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She didn't quite know what to expect when the results came back in. Neither did her parents. They just all sat there and stared at the doctor as he explained why her bruises never faded and seemed to multiply overnight.

She felt her mother's hand slip into her own, and her father placed his hand gently on her knee. They didn't speak and they didn't really listen either. All they could still hear was the heartbreaking news that this 14-year-old girl who had her whole life ahead of her, was now getting attacked from inside by her own cells.

"Julia, do you understand what I'm telling you? Why the bruises won't fade?" Dr. Matthews asked, as he finally stopped talking about blood cell levels and different types of radiation and chemo and such.

"I have cancer... leukemia. It's killing me, and it will succeed if I don't start treatments. Right?" Julia asked, quietly and with tears in her eyes.

"Right. Now, once we get more testing done I think that we will be able to get the exact right type of chemo and radiation to help you fight this." He spoke, before glancing over at her parents.

Olivia was holding on tightly on Julia's hand still, while Elliot was moving around in his seat at an attempt to get comfortable in his chair.

"How soon can she start treatment?" Olivia whispered, but Julia swallowed hard before speaking.

"If I even want to get the treatment."

"Jules." Olivia breathed, as she turned and looked at her daughter.  

"I'm 14 and I'll go to school with no hair," Julia mumbled, before standing up and leaving the room.


Julia didn't get far before her nose started to bleed. Nose bleeds, bleeding gums, and bruises were the most obvious symptoms that Julia had.

She walked into the bathroom and quickly grabbed a paper towel before placing it to her nose. She stared at herself for several moments as she wondered if the treatment would take the sparkle from her eyes or the color from her face.

"There you are." Olivia breathed, as she opened the bathroom door to find her daughter. Olivia quickly grabbed a few more pieces of paper towel and handed them to Julia. Her daughter blinked away a few tears before sighing.

"Please let me make the decision in regards to the treatments. This is my life we are-"

"But you are my life, Julia. And if you get taken from me I don't know what will happen."

"Please don't guilt me into hurting my body."

"It's going to save you, Julia. Now, just think about it, please. If not for me, then for your Dad and all your friends."

"You won't be a mom if I die..." Julia whispered, before looking at her mother's reflection. Olivia drew in a sharp breath before shaking her head.

"I'll always be a mom, whether you are here or not. That is how it works."

"Did he say how long I have to live without treatment? Like if I wanted to go see the world and enjoy time with my family instead of sitting in a chair with the smell of bleach all around me, as chemicals are pumped into my body."


"Mom, tell me," Julia demanded. She turned and looked at her mother, but Olivia wouldn't turn to look at her daughter. Her only child and the one that brought herself and her husband so much joy.

"2 years at the most without treatment that starts within the month," Olivia replied, before looking down at the counter.

"I want to wait. I want to do stuff before I don't have a chance anymore." Julia breathed. Olivia swallowed hard before nodding slowly.

"Where to first?" Olivia mused.

"Really?" Julia asked.

"Where do you want to go first..."

"The Great Barrier Reef... I want to swim in the ocean."


Julia, Elliot, and Olivia got on a plane and flew to as many places as possible before Julia got worse. Elliot and Olivia drained their savings to make their child happy because they didn't know if she'd make it.

They went to Australia, Amsterdam, Rome, and Paris. But while they were Paris, Julia got really sick. They rushed her to the closest hospital, as Julia shook and got sick the whole way. Olivia was killing herself inside because she knew that she shouldn't have let Julia decide. She knew that she should've just forced her child to get treatment so that she wouldn't be freaking out as they drove their child to a hospital that might not even be able to treat her.

"Dr. Matthews is getting a flight here." Elliot breathed, as he walked into Julia's hospital room. It was small and she shared it with two other people.

"We should've just made her get treatment," Olivia mumbled, as she held Julia's hand and gently ran her fingers over it. Her hand was almost completely black and blue from where they had to put in an IV and because she bruised so easily lately.

"Liv, we watched her swim in the ocean. She road bikes through the streets of Amsterdam. She threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain and wished to live. We got to go to the Eiffel Tower and see so much of Paris. She is happy because she got to do almost everything she wanted to. We couldn't force her to do something that she didn't want to. We are good now, baby. Because she is happy and we got to watch her smile for three straight months."

"Call your mother, El. And the crew. Tell them what is happening." Olivia whispered, and Elliot nodded. He kissed the top of her head before kissing Julia's pale and sunken cheek.

"Don't die on me now, Jules. Not after everything we have done. You still need to make it to London and Berlin. We will go there once you are better."


Julia was moved into a different room once Dr. Matthews arrived and explained to them what was happening. Anyone that went into her room had to wear masks and gloves. She was put on several different IVs. One for her dehydration, another full of antibiotics, and another was delivering her nutrients.

Her parents felt sick every time they looked at their daughter and noticed how small she looked and they hated the fact that they couldn't touch her skin or kiss her forehead because she was too ill for that and they didn't want to introduce her to yet another infection.

Eventually, Dr. Matthews decided that Julia was strong enough and they flew her to London, where the language barrier wasn't preventing Julia from getting the best care possible. She started treatment, but she was still unconscious.

"Here is a flag, Jules. I got it in the gift shop, but it goes very nicely with your teddy bear that has the royal seal on it." Olivia spoke, as she tucked the small British flag into the teddy bear's paw before going over and sitting beside her daughter. She was allowed to hold Julia's hand now because she was doing better once the treatment started.

Bernie had flown to London to help out and sit with Julia when Olivia and Elliot went to eat or nap in their hotel room. 

"It's time for your nap, honey." Bernie breathed, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"I think she squeezed my hand a bit earlier. I'm not leaving till I see her open her eyes." Olivia replied, as Bernie sat another stack of letters beside the bear.

"These are from her friends and teachers. Odafin sent a care package also."

"You are the only one who refuses to call him Fin, Mom." Olivia laughed softly, before glancing over at her mother in law.

"She'll wake up, love. Now, please go get some sleep. Elliot is finishing up lunch then he'll join you." She replied. Olivia sighed before standing. She took a few steps forward and kissed Julia's forehead before turning and quietly going to leave the room.

She stopped by the door and turned to look at her daughter. She was bald, pale, and so very skinny. But she was her kid and she was so proud of her for hanging on even though she wasn't awake.

Hey guys! I'm gonna write a part two for this at some point, btw. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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