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Ten years into their marriage, Olivia and Elliot caved. From fighting about the kids to money issues, their marriage was slowly falling apart. Neither of them knows what really got them into a marriage like this, or if they love that once bound them was there anymore.

"Happy Anniversary..." Olivia trailed off, as she and Elliot met outside of their therapist's office. Elliot nodded before leaning forward and gently kissing her cheek. Olivia gnawed on her bottom lip as it was happening because she found herself not wanting just a small kiss on her cheek.

"We could skip this and go to dinner, Liv. I wouldn't be opposed to that." Elliot replied.

"But we promised each other to give this a shot before looking into something more permanent." Olivia breathed.

"I don't want to think about getting a divorce, Liv. I still love you so much." Elliot breathed, and Olivia looked down at her watch before frowning.

"We should go in."


Elliot and Olivia sat on a small leather loveseat in very awkward silence. Their therapist, Dr. Adams had asked them a question about the first time they realized that they were in love, but after 10 years of being married and 2 years on top of that of dating, neither could remember. Or neither had truly fallen in love with each other.

"Olivia, you go first." Dr. Adams spoke, as she uncrossed than recrossed her legs.

"Uh, okay..." Olivia trailed off.

She closed her eyes and thought. She just wanted to come up with something, either real or fake, just to get the $150 dollar an hour therapist to get off her case.

But then something sparked.

"It was our third date. You were taking me to Shakespeare in the park, and we were having a picnic. You brought sparkling cider since you knew that I was having a hard time with my mother's death still. I kept the cork from that bottle, and it's still in my jewelry box... but we were talking about how much we were enjoying our time together, and you zoned out as I talked. But as I brought up the fact that I have never gone on dates with guys that have made me as happy as the dates that I have gone on with you... you cracked that smile. One that spread all over your face. I fell in love with you right then and there." Olivia breathed. 

She didn't look over at her husband, because she was scared that maybe he didn't believe her. But she knew that that was the moment she fell in love with Elliot, and even if she had forgotten it till this moment, at one point or another she had been completely and utterly in love with the man she's married too.

"Elliot, when did you realize?" Dr. Adams asked.

"I don't remember," Elliot whispered. But he did remember. He just didn't have a good story as his wife had.

"Maybe it's because you never fell in love with me... maybe it's-" Olivia started, but the therapist stopped her.

"Olivia, please do not come up with conclusions that will hurt you more in the end."

"Dr. Adams, Elliot got me pregnant. That's really why we decided to get married. Then he kept getting me pregnant, now I'm 12 years into our relationship and I have no idea if this was a good idea." Olivia spoke.

Elliot swallowed hard, and as he was about to start telling the story of when he fell in love with Olivia, she stood and left. She was so angry and upset, and this was not the way she anticipated on spending her 10 year anniversary with Elliot.


Olivia went home and relieved the sitter. Olivia bathed her younger children and put them all to bed, before going to check in on the child that started this all. Olivia opened the door to her almost 10-year-olds' room and smiled when she saw her daughter sitting at her desk drawing.

"Ivy, it's time for bed." Olivia breathed. Ivy turned to look at her mother and nodded slowly. She climbed off of her chair before walking towards her bed.

"What did you and Daddy do tonight?" Ivy asked, and Olivia bit her lip before preparing herself to lie to her daughter. 

Even if Olivia wasn't happy in her marriage right now, she still loved what came from the marriage. 6 kids, all amazing and smart.

"Momma, just tell me the truth," Ivy spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly as she started to tuck her daughter in. Once the blankets were just right, Olivia sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her daughter.

"Daddy and I are getting some help. We aren't happy right now."

"Is it us?" Ivy asked.

"What?" Olivia questioned.

"Me and the others... are we the reason why you and Daddy aren't happy anymore?" Ivy whimpered, as tears welled in her dark brown eyes.

"Ivy Jane, you and your siblings make me and Daddy so happy. It's not your faults. It's mine. I guess I gave up trying long ago."

"Just tell Daddy that you love him and that you are gonna listen to him. That's what you do for us." Ivy spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I don't think it's that easy," Olivia spoke.

"But maybe it is, Momma," Ivy spoke. Olivia sighed softly before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to her daughter's forehead.

"I'll be here when you and your brother and sisters get up. Okay?" Olivia asked, as she stood and picked up a few shirts from the floor before tossing them into the hamper.

"Okay. Love you, Momma." Ivy yawned.

"Love you too, baby girl."


A week after their appointment, Olivia and Elliot went to another one. Since the moment that Ivy spoke some very simple but wise advice, Olivia knew that she just had to keep trying. Elliot was a little shocked when his wife told him that she made another appointment with Dr. Adams.

"Elliot, I'd like to start with you retelling the story you told me." Dr. Adams spoke, and Olivia turned to glance at her husband before staring forward again.

"It was on October 16th. You and I were dating, and you asked if we could go on a weekend getaway for our 6 month anniversary. So I took you up north to this little cabin that my buddy let me use. You and I spent all weekend shut up in the cabin because it started to downpour. You and I talked for hours, and with every word, we got to know each other on a much deeper level. I asked you about what you saw in your future, and you laid flat on your back on the bed and let out this loud sigh before proceeding to say that you hadn't seen a future till you met me... I had been falling with you for some time, but after hearing you say that, I knew that I had to be with you or else I'd be miserable."

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