A Drunken Night: Part 4

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Working together just seemed to make Olivia and Elliot closer. They both had expected for it to tear them apart, but it did the complete opposite. The year deadline flew by without them even thinking about wanting to break up. They just wanted to be together, so that is what they were going to do.

"Don't you dare!" Olivia exclaimed, as Elliot lifted her up and carried her into the front door of their new home.

"I'm supposed too! And don't you dare hit me once I sit you on your feet." Elliot laughed, before sitting his wife back on her feet. She turned to look at him but couldn't stop smiling instead of wanting to hit that smug smile off his lips.

"This is our home. Not my apartment that you moved into. This is our home where we can do everything as a couple." Olivia spoke, as she stepped forward and gently touched Elliot's chest. He smiled before leaning down and kissing her lips gently.

They continued to kiss for several moments before Olivia sighed and stepped back.

"We really need to unpack and quick... Before something comes up and we live out of boxes for years."

"We don't have years to live out of moving boxes. We can probably do it for like the next 7 months before we can't anymore." Elliot spoke, as he glanced over at her and smiled as she started to cut open the tape on one of the boxes. She stopped and looked at him.

"I'm glad we got that extra room. Aren't you?"

"I am." Elliot smiled, before walking over to his wife and brushing his hand against her stomach before picking up another box and going to take it to their bedroom.


They stopped outside of the precinct and Elliot kept the car doors locked before looking over at Olivia. He pulled something from his pocket while she focused on a message on her phone.

"I got this for you. We didn't really celebrate our first anniversary. We were supposed to go out to dinner and I was going to kiss you all night long, but then we got that case and we were closing on the house. Then we had to get the roof done on the house and then get the flooding cleaned up after that stupid storm. But now, I wanna give you this baby." Elliot spoke, and Olivia looked over at her husband and saw as he held the box out to her.

"Elliot, you didn't have to give me anything. You got me a house!" Olivia exclaimed.

"We bought a house together. You had more invested in it than me... but anyway. This is just a special gift for you." Elliot smiled. He passed the box to Olivia and she opened the box and smiled at the ring.

"It's beautiful, El." She breathed.

"It's an engagement right. I know we are married and all, but I thought you might want the full set." He smiled, and she slipped her wedding band off before slipping the engagement ring on then put her wedding band back in its place. She smiled before leaning over and kissing Elliot softly.

"I love it. Thank you so much." Olivia smiled.

"Of course, bud," Elliot spoke, and Olivia laughed before tossing the box back to him.

"Let's go in, stupid." She replied, before quickly climbing out of the car before her husband could respond.


Neither of them expected that their marriage would be so easy. They rarely fought, other than the beginning of their marriage. Olivia and Elliot were beyond excited about the life they had together, and something a little more special that came along nearly at the end of their second year of marriage.

"Owen is down for the night," Elliot whispered as he walked away from the crib at the far wall of their room. Elliot walked back to the bed where his wife was laying down with a sleepy smile on her lips.

"I'm glad that he is. He was a troublemaker all day," Olivia spoke, before reaching over and caressing Elliot's bearded cheek.

"Just like me?" Elliot asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded. She shifted closer to her husband, but then stopped before looking down at their adopted daughter, Jane. Her curly brown hair was like a halo around her head.

"We need to get her to sleep in her toddler bed sooner rather than later. Because if Owen starts to notice this he'll want to join us too." Elliot spoke. Olivia nodded before leaning down and kissing Jane's hair, then she pulled her close and felt as her daughter leaned her head against her mother's arm.

Elliot and Olivia laid in bed and just watched as their daughter slept. It seemed like shortly after they moved into the house and Olivia got to a point in her pregnancy where she didn't fear anything would happen, Jane showed up at the precinct and was adopted by them shortly after that. She had been left at a bus station by her father, and she wandered around before seeing Olivia and Elliot walking into the precinct and she asked for help. The almost three-year-old had stolen their hearts and hadn't given them back yet.

"You know, I expected for everything good in our marriage to happen through a drunk night of some sort, but Owen wasn't the product of us getting wasted and not using protection... and we were sober and on the job when we found our little Janey."

"We would have lost our jobs if we had been drunk at work." Elliot laughed softly, and Olivia quickly reached over and placed her hand over his mouth so he wouldn't wake up their kids.

"I love you, Stabler. But you have a huge mouth."

"You do too, Stabler. How many times have you yelled at me this week?" Elliot shot back, as he took her hand from his mouth.

"Well, if you'd put your clothes in the washer when I ask, or if you'd make dinner once and awhile I wouldn't have to yell at your crazy ass." Olivia laughed. She tried to not be too loud, but it was hard not to. Elliot leaned forward and kissed his wife softly before smiling and pulling her and Jane close.

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