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"How long has it been since the accident?" Dr. Lindstrom questioned, as he sat across from Olivia in his office. Olivia looked up from where she was staring at her hands and let out a small sigh.

"12 weeks," Olivia replied quietly.

"And have you started to let Brian back in?" He questioned, and Olivia blushed a bit before nodding slowly.

"I've let him kiss me again and we've started to become intimate again..." Olivia trailed off.

"Has it helped you? Or has it seemed like a setback of sorts?" He questioned after writing down what Olivia had just told him.

"I think it has helped... Brian has been so much better to me. He never stays out all night, and we have dinner every night together, and he tells me that he loves me. He and I didn't really say that to each other before I was taken... but now we say it several times a day. Not just 'Love ya' or 'Love you'. We actually say 'I love you'." Olivia smiled. She looked back down at her hands as she thought about waking up this morning to Brian kissing her temple gently and telling her how much he loved her.

"And do you two have any plans for the future? Do you plan on getting married?" Dr. Lindstrom.

"I'd like to. I'd like to start a family and settle down. There is no one other than Brian that I'd like to be with."

"I'm happy to see you recover from such a horrible trauma that you had experienced. But don't take steps that you may regret in the future or that may be moving too fast for you." Dr. Lindstrom spoke, his voice soft. He didn't want to scare Olivia with his warning, but he also didn't want her to get hurt and to get those nightmares again.

"I'll be careful. But I don't think that I need to be careful with Brian. I love him, and I want to be with him." Olivia replied quietly. She stood and gathered her things before leaving quietly.


Brian was waiting in their apartment when Olivia got home. He stood up from the couch when he saw her open the front door.

"Hey, babe." Brian smiled, as he walked over to her. He pulled her into a tight hug before kissing her lips softly.

"Hi." Olivia breathed. She moved from the door and towards the kitchen.

"How was your appointment?" Brian asked, and Olivia stopped and turned to look at him.

"I told him about how we have tried to be a real couple again. How we are in love and have finally started to tell each other that every single day." Olivia spoke, and Brian smiled.

"You need to know that I love you... I read something online that it helps victims... I mean that it helps survivors know that they have support."

"Thank you, Bri. For everything." Olivia smiled. She set her things down on the counter before walking back around and kissing her boyfriend deeply. Once their lips parted, Brian held her close for several moments before whispering something into her ear.

"I'd like to try to do what you said you wanted to do last night." He whispered. Olivia leaned back and looked at him with wide eyes. A small smile grew on her lips as her eyes took on a whole different type of sparkle that Brian only saw when he saw Olivia around Calvin.

"Really?" She breathed.

"Really, Olivia. It's something I really want with you."


Everyone noticed the difference in Olivia when she came back to work on Monday. She had taken a very extended leave, and now as she walked into the squadroom, everyone could tell that what had happened made her even stronger.

"It's nice to have you back, partner." Nick smiled, as Olivia sat a mug of coffee on his desk.

"Just because I bring you coffee?" She smiled, as she sat down and kept her eyes focused on her tea.

"Duh." Nick laughed. He stood and walked around her desk before kissing the top of her head gently.

"And because you are my best friend and it is amazing to see you happy again." Nick smiled before walking away. Olivia couldn't wait to the moment she could tell everyone that she was happy for another reason. She just had to wait to see if her and Brian's wish might just come true.

Olivia moved sat back in her chair and looked around at the squadroom. So much has changed since Lewis took her. Not only had she changed, and Brian changed, but her whole world was different. She felt kinda happier since it happened, which shocked her completely. She didn't expect to be happier after one of the worst things that could possibly happen to her, happened.

"Benson, are you feeling up to investigating?" Nick asked, and Olivia blinked a few times before looking at him.

"Do we have a case?" She questioned.

"We do. But if you aren't ready, just tell me. Amanda and I can go together." Nick spoke.

"No. I think it's time I jump back into this. Just let me finish my tea real quick and I'll meet you in the car." Olivia smiled. Nick nodded before moving away from her desk.

"I can do this," Olivia whispered to herself.


Brian and Olivia sat together on their bed as they waited for the five minutes to be up. Olivia was holding on tightly to her boyfriend's hand as they waited and waited. 

"I know that it is only a few minutes, but baby... this is the longest five minutes of my entire life." Olivia sighed.

"But it is going to be so worth it." Brian smiled. He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before laying back on the bed. Olivia shifted back beside him and curled up into his side. She rested her head against his chest as she let out yet another sigh.

"You are so impatient, my love. Like, just wait until we are waiting for our baby to arrive. Then you'll be..." Brian didn't finish his statement because the sound of the timer going off filled the room. Brian and Olivia stood before quickly walking to where the test was laying on the dresser in front of them.

"We can always try again if it didn't work," Olivia spoke.

"We have only been trying for five weeks. We can continue to try." Brian spoke as he nodded slowly. Olivia nodded before grabbing the test and flipping it over. She quickly turned into her boyfriend as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Another thing that she wanted to do to truly move on from the accident was having a baby, and now she and Brian were finally getting a baby. One that was already filling its' parents' hearts with so much love and joy.

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