An Organ Donor

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Olivia sat next to her son's bed, as he hugged his elephant stuff animal. She ran her hands through his curly brown hair, as his eyes started to close softly, and sleep consumed him. She tried to stay strong on the outside, but on the inside she was freaking out.

Noah's kidneys were failing him slowly, and the little boy needed a kidney transplant or else he wouldn't make it. The doctors were looking for matches, but time was running out, and the hearts of Olivia and her crew were breaking. Having known Noah since they found him, the whole crew was in love with Olivia's son, and they knew that since Olivia wasn't a match, it was killing her.

"Mom, I brought you something to eat." Calvin spoke, as he walked into the room. Olivia looked over her shoulder, and smiled at her oldest son.

"I've fine, love. You don't have to do this." She replied. She turned back around, and her teenage son sat next to her, and grabbed her hand.

"He'll get a kidney. Don't worry." He smiled.

Olivia nodded, but she was still so unsure. All she wanted was to have both of her sons alive and laughing, and seeing her sons laugh was one of the things that made her the happiest.


A few miles away from the hospital, Eli Stabler walked towards his father, who was sitting and drinking a water. He was glad to see that his father wasn't drinking again, since he has been sober for almost 5 years.

"Hey, Dad." Eli smiled, and Elliot looked at his son and smiled back.

"Hey. So, you said you had something to tell me?" Elliot asked, and Eli nodded.

"Yeah, uh, do you remember Fin from SVU?" Eli questioned, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Yeah. What about him?"

"He contacted me. Everyone that they can think of us getting tested to see if they are a match for a kidney transplant."

"Fin finally needs a kidney?" Elliot laughed, but Eli rolled his eyes.

"Dad, Liv's son needs a kidney." Eli breathed, and Elliot stopped laughing completely. He turned to look at his son, and swallowed hard.

"Liv has a kid?"

"Two actually." Eli sighed, and Elliot groaned.

"Where do I need to go?" Elliot asked, and Eli looked at his father with wide eyes.

"You're gonna do this?"

"Of course I am! This is Olivia we are talking about! When you were at risk, she saved you and your mother. I think I can look into saving her kid."


When Olivia found out that there was a donor who was willing to give Noah one of their kidneys, she was beyond happy. She quickly went into Noah's hospital room, where he and Calvin were watching a random cartoon to make Noah laugh.

"Babies." Olivia smiled, and her boys looked at her.

"Yeah?" Noah yawned, and she smiled even larger because she got to tell Noah that he was going to live.

"Baby, some nice person was tested and is going to donate their kidney to you." She beamed, and Noah looked at his mother with wide eyes.

"What? Is this true Momma?" He asked, and Olivia nodded as tears poured down her cheeks.

"Yeah. You are going to be okay. You don't need to be scared anymore."

All three of them started to cry together because all of the worrying was over. Of course they were still nervous about sending the small boy into a big surgery, but at least dying from kidney failure wasn't on their radar at the moment.


Everything seemed to go so fast. Before everyone knew it, Elliot was hospitalized and was getting his kidney removed, and Olivia's little boy was going to get the kidney he needed. Elliot didn't want anyone to know it was him who was giving the boy a kidney, because he didn't want Liv to deny it. Maybe once the kidney was in his body, he'd find Liv and tell her, but until then no one but Eli knew.

"Mr. Stabler, so we are going to take you down in a few minutes." An intern spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"Okay. The family won't know that I'm going in for the kidney removal, will they?" He asked, and she shook her head.

"No sir. You wanted them not to know, so that is how it'll stay unless you tell them." She smiled, before walking over and checking his stats. Elliot stayed silent until Eli came in.

"So, are you ready to only have one kidney?" He teased, and Elliot laughed slightly.

"I'm ready to help Liv's kid." Elliot breathed, and Eli nodded.

"Want me to just go up there and tell her?" Eli asked, and Elliot shook his head quickly.

"No. Liv isn't going to know for awhile. I'll figure out when."

Eli sighed and grabbed his father hand and squeezed it awkwardly.

"Get over your fear of that woman. She may have forgiven you by now."


Olivia was still in tears as she sat next to Noah's bed. Her son had lost a lot of his color, but he made it through with no trouble whatsoever. She was caressing her son's curly mess of hair, and listened to him breathing.

A light knock sounded on the door, and Olivia looked over to see someone who she didn't know. She slowly stood up and woke up Calvin so he could make sure he was awake when his brother woke up, and she walked towards the young man.

"Can I help you?" She questioned tiredly.

"Liv, it's me, Eli." He spoke, and she smiled.

"You've gotten so big. What are you doing here?"

"Fin called me and asked me to get checked to see if I was a match to donate a kidney to your son."

"Eli, thanks so much for that. Some random person got tested and was a match. We are just waiting for him to wake up." She smiled, and Eli grabbed her arm and gently pulled her away from Noah's room.

"Actually, someone wants to see you. Well, that someone does."

"You know who donated?" She questioned quickly.

"I do, and you do too."

"Please take me to them. Please." She begged, and Eli nodded.


They walked down the hall together, and Eli stopped in front of a room. Olivia looked in, and swallowed hard as tears welled in her eyes.

"He did this for my son?" She questioned.

"He did. I told him, and he didn't even think twice."

"I need to talk to him." She whispered, and Eli nodded.

Olivia took a few steps into the room and Elliot yawned and was readying himself to get more blood drawn, but instead he saw his former partner standing there.

"Elliot, I still hate you so much for leaving me, but I also need to thank you so much for donating your kidney to my baby. It means the world to me."

"Do you remember that one case where the woman's kidney was failing?" Elliot asked, and she nodded slowly.


"Do you remember in the elevator how I told you I'd give you a kidney?" He questioned, and Olivia wiped a few tears from her cheeks as she nodded.

"You didn't need one, but your son did. I couldn't go back on that promise."

"Thanks." She whispered.

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