DNA Results

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"The adoption can't move forward until after we get his DNA results back. I'm sorry that it's taking so long, Olivia... but it is how we have to do things." Trevor Langan spoke as he walked Olivia out to her vehicle.

"Trevor, I love Noah. I would wait years to make him my son. I'm not too worried about a few more weeks." Olivia smiled.

"He's meant to be your son, Olivia. I don't think that anyone else would be as good of a mother as you. Now, I'll keep you updated as I get more information."

"Thanks. Have a good night." Olivia smiled. She climbed into her SUV before shooting Lucy a text to let her know that she was on her way home.


Olivia got home and smiled when she saw her little boy sitting in his bouncer. He was still wide awake, and his blue eyes lit up when Olivia entered the room.

"Hey, sweet boy." Olivia smiled as she quickly rubbed hand sanitizer on her hands.

"He is been a great boy today, Liv. He took his bottles like a champ and he took two naps." Lucy smiled.

"I'm glad he was good for you. He will probably by my little monster all night though." Olivia laughed softly as she unbuckled her baby. She lifted him up and cuddled him close as she took in as many moments that she had left when her son was this small.

"How did your meeting with Mr. Langan go?" Lucy asked as she picked up a few burp clothes from around the living room.

"It went well, but I still haven't gotten the all clear to adopt Noah yet. They are doing DNA tests and seeing if they can find any existing relatives. I hope they don't... but if they do, I hope that they let me adopt Noah. They could still be involved, but I could be his mother."

"You are already his mother, Liv. Did you see how absolutely happy he was when he saw you?"

"I guess he loves me." Olivia smiled softly as she shifted Noah into her arms.

"I'll see you on Monday, Liv. Have a good weekend with your boy."

"Oh, I plan on it. We are going to have so many cuddles this weekend." Olivia smiled.


Weeks went by and the results were still unknown. Trevor had to keep telling Olivia that he had no news, but that didn't make Olivia feel any better. All she wanted to know was who Noah's father was, and then she could see if he'd sign away his rights. If not, she could reunite a family and maybe adopt in the future.

"Olivia." Trevor spoke as he walked into Olivia's squadroom. She turned and eyed him for a moment as her heart started to pound in her chest.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, and Trevor shrugged before pointing at her office.

"Can we talk in private, please?"

"O-of course. Right this way."

Olivia led Trevor into her office before shutting the door behind him. She looked him over for a moment as she thought about all the bad things that might be said. Like that Noah had a family that wanted him. 

"So Ellie isn't his mother." Trevor breathed, and Olivia's eyes went wide as she pushed her glasses onto the top of her head.


"She isn't his mother. We found his father's DNA in the system, but not his mother's."

"Trevor, what does this mean?" Olivia asked weakly.

"I don't know. But we are still searching. Are you-"

"I'm fine. Do we contact the father now or-"

"He's in prison on a life sentence. I already sent him a request to meet him in regards to Noah, and he said he already gave up his rights to him. He and the mother did when they gave him away to this woman."

"The woman that I found him with?" Olivia breathed, and Trevor nodded.

"Yes. So as of right now, Judge Linden is going to be pushing your adoption through. She said that if the paperwork is found and we can prove that they gave him up, then you can adopt him."

"So this is good news? I'm going to adopt Noah? He's mine." 

"We still have about a month of waiting, but I do think he's yours. Congrats." Trevor smiled, before getting attacked by a hug with Olivia.

"Thank you so much, Trevor. For everything."


Olivia didn't know what was happening in the background. Trevor took care of everything, and Olivia just signed the paperwork.  

"You are going to be an amazing mom." Amanda smiled, as she and Olivia poured sparkling cider into champagne flutes.

"I know." Olivia grinned. Amanda laughed as she elbowed Olivia in her side.

"So what took so long?" Amanda asked, and Olivia sighed as she looked at Amanda.

"There were a lot of tests, and the DNA came back stating that Ellie really isn't Noah's mother. I guess that she was delusional or something. But the parents did sign away their rights to him, so he's all mine."

"What about any other people? Like grandparents or aunts?" 

"Trevor said that they didn't find any other family members that responded. There is a thirty-day period that they have to respond, and no one did. So that little guy... he's mine."


The crew celebrated Noah's adoption for hours before leaving for the night. Olivia cleaned up and got changed before sitting down in Noah's nursery. She rocked him back and forth in the rocking chair for a while, before someone knocked on her door. She hesitantly stood up and put her baby in his crib before walking out to answer the door.

"Yes?" Olivia asked hesitantly as she opened the door. She froze in her spot as her heart started to pound out of her chest.



This one shot is based on an idea by AutumnPiperCarisi! I hope you all enjoyed!

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