A Case Reopened

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27 Years Ago

"She's a newborn! She can't walk away and get lost or something! My husband and I just left the hospital with her three days ago!" A young Serena Houston whimpered, as she stood and talked to a detective.

"Mrs. Houston, I need you to give me anything that has a hair from your daughter's head or any of her DNA on it at all. Then I need to get DNA from you and your husband." The man spoke, and Serena shook her head.

"Dwayne isn't her father. I was raped, so getting DNA from my husband won't help. Just please find my baby... please. I need my Olivia." Serena cried. Dwayne heard his wife cry from their bedroom and he quickly walked away from the detective. He grabbed his wife's arm and pulled her close. Serena sobbed into his broad chest.

"It's okay, Rena... I'm here. They will get our girl back. I promise."

Serena and Dwayne were both unsure of what was going to happen in this case. Some person had kidnapped their little girl from her crib while Serena was showering. Even though Olivia was the product of rape and unexpected by both her mother and her stepfather, they loved her so much already and wanted to be her parents. Both were worried that their chance to be her parents was torn away from them.



"Hey, what are you doing?" A sleep filled voice asked. Olivia looked over at her girlfriend before sighing.

"Captain Smith just gave me a file from a cold case and asked me to look into it. I told him that I would since I'm on leave, but it makes me almost anxious, Lou." Olivia breathed. She felt her girlfriend wrap her arms around her waist.

"Babe, I know that you are such a passionate person, and that is why I love you so much, but it's time to go to bed. Put the file away and I can look over it tomorrow morning with you." Lou replied, and Olivia sighed but nodded. She sat the folder on her bedside table before turning the lamp off. She sank down under the blankets and kissed her girlfriend gently before holding her in her arms as she fell asleep.


The next morning, Lou and Olivia woke up earlier than they usually do. They each took a shower before sitting down at their dining room table and went through all of the information that Olivia had gotten about the cold kidnapping case.

"So, it says a newborn was taken from her crib. Her step-father and her mother were both cleared." Lou read, before looking over her glasses and at her girlfriend. Olivia was gnawing on the end of her pen cap, as she read through another folder.

"Babe?" Lou asked, and Olivia looked up at her.


"Does it seem like maybe the step-father and the mother might have done something to the baby?"

"No. I don't think so... they interviewed both of them five times in the two years after the baby was taken, and they continued to say the story over and over again in the same way. Dwayne is in the Coast Guard and Serena is a doctor who was raped by one of her angry patients... I just don't feel like they did something." Olivia replied. 

Lou nodded because she knew that her girlfriend was having one of those gut feelings about the parents, and her gut was never wrong.

"Wanna go talk to them? See if they have any other information?" Lou asked, as her phone buzzed on the table.

"Yeah, I'm gonna do that today. Captain Smith gave this to me because I think he isn't ready for me to be back to work after what happened. I bet you have to be in court?" Olivia asked, and Lou flipped over her phone and nodded.

"I do... are you gonna be okay, love?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I'll see you tonight."


Olivia got the new address of the Houston's and she drove there after checking in with her Captain. Captain Smith was still so worried about Olivia's wellbeing after she had suffered a miscarriage after she and Lou tried to start a family after being together since they were teenagers. Olivia threw herself into work instead of taking time off.

"Hello?" A teenager asked when she opened the front door to a very nice house. Olivia smiled at the girl, as she tied her curly brown hair away from her face.

"Hey, uh I'm Detective Olivia Meyers. I was wondering if Serena or Dwayne Houston are here?" Olivia asked.

"Is this about the stupid neighbors? They are being assholes. My parents might be black and white, but that doesn't-"

"No, I'm not here about that. I'm here about something else. Can I talk to one or both of them?"

"What's your name again?" The girl asked.

"Olivia Meyers... I'm with the NYPD." Olivia spoke, and the girl nodded before walking away from the door. Olivia stood there for several moments before a tall man came to the door.

"I heard you are looking for me and my wife?" He asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I'm here to talk about the case of your step-"

"She was my daughter... biological or not, she was mine," Dwayne replied, and Olivia nodded.

"Sorry, sir... I just got the case, and I am thinking that maybe I could find her. I can look at it with a different meaning and I think that I can find her." Olivia replied.

"My wife is at the hospital. Our kids are off school today, so they will be in and out of the living room." Dwayne spoke.

"That's okay. I can deal with that. I just want to ask some questions then I'll be out of your hair."

"Okay then. Come in."


Olivia followed Dwayne into the house, and she sat in the living room and looked at the pictures on the wall as Dwayne got her some coffee. Olivia stood and picked up a picture of a newborn and she looked at it for several moments before Dwayne's voice broke the silence.

"That's our Olivia. I can make you a copy of it if it will help. My wife wants to make sure that everyone knows we have six kids, and that Olivia is our eldest. We love her so much still, even though she was taken 27 years ago. These conversations might get confusing since you are Olivia and so is she..."

"27 years ago?" Olivia asked, as she sat down and took the mug from him.

"Yeah. She was 3 days old when she was taken. Every year we try to put her face on whatever we can so we can find her, but we haven't found her yet."

"I know how it feels to not know where someone is. But I promise you that I'll use that feeling to my advantage. I'll find your daughter."

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