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Olivia worked on trying to find the right key to unlock her apartment, as she held her bag and a bag of groceries in her other hand. She could hear the phone she had in her apartment ring, and she kept trying and trying to find the right key, but every time she thought it was her apartment key, it was the key to her desk or one to her office.

She gave up and sat her bags down before finding the key she wanted, and she quickly unlocked her apartment door, as the phone stopped ringing. But on the answering machine, she saw that the caller had left a message. She quickly went and grabbed her bags and shut the apartment door, before locking it and putting the chair on. Ever since Lewis broke into her old apartment, she hasn't gone a day without completely locking her door and windows.

Olivia put all of her belongings away, before sitting down and drinking some wine. But as the night went on, and she did some work and watched a few movies, she completely forgot about the call.


The next night, the same thing happened. She went home and the phone was ringing, but she couldn't find her key in time. This went one for two weeks, and every night there was a new message, and it wasn't until one night when Olivia was lying awake in bed she noticed a red flashing light in the living room. She was paranoid this late at night, and as she climbed out of bed and grabbed her gun, she walked around until she noticed the flashing light that was keeping her awake, was from the answering machines, and the number flashing is 14.

She went back into her room and put her gun back, before walking into the living room once again. She pulled up a bar stool and sat on it. She reached forward and turned the answering machine on, and as it got ready to play the messages, she closed her eyes. She felt like she could see the person as they spoke if her eyes were closed tightly.

"Uh, Liv? I don't even know if you kept the same number. I don't even know if you want to talk to me. But it's me, Elliot. I'm in Miami right now, and I'm watching as the sun sets. I was hoping that you'd pick up, but clearly, you don't want to talk to me. So, just thought you'd want to know that I'm alive. I love you, Liv. I pray that you are well. Bye."

Olivia opened her eyes, as the message ended. She looked at the number as it flashed 13. She reached out to hit the next one, but she was scared to hear what else Elliot had to stay.

She couldn't stop herself, however. The whole night she ended up listening to Elliot's voice, and she followed Elliot when he moved from place to place every night. On the last message that he left today, she found out that her partner is in Manhattan and was planning on settling down there again.


"Stabler." Olivia breathed, when she walked into the old pizza joint they ate at a few times when they were really drunk. 

Elliot was sitting in a booth that was so worn down you could see the foam. He was too busy looking at his phone and drinking some beer, that he didn't even notice the brunette standing near the counter, her own plate with pizza on it in hand. She didn't think he'd be here, she only came because she had a hard day at work and was hungry for something greasy.

She quietly grabbed her drink, before walking over to the booth he was sitting at. She cleared her throat, and he looked up at her. His jaw actually dropped, and Olivia felt her cheeks warm as blood rushed to them.

"Liv?" He asked, and she nodded slowly as she sank into the booth opposite of him.

"Yeah..." She trailed off. He smiled softly, before looking down at his beer and sighing.

"I take it that you got my messages?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah, I listened to them last night. I didn't expect you to be here though." She breathed. As Olivia spoke, Elliot saw pieces of her that were missing. She seemed quieter and smaller than before like she lost part of her personality but to what, he may never know because she may not open up to him. 

"I knew this place had good food, and since I haven't been here for a few years I didn't know what was good or not anymore." He spoke, and she nodded slowly.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Take care." She spoke because all she could think about was how he ended each call by saying he loved her. She kept hearing that in her head when she would try and clear her mind.

 "Liv, let me come with you. So we can catch up." Elliot spoke, as he stood quickly, but Olivia stopped and shook her head.

"No, I think you should stay here. And please do not call me, okay?" She spoke with conviction.

"Olivia, I just wanted you to know that I'm alive." He spoke, and she shook her head.

"No, you wanted me to feel something for you again. I can't, because I have to move on. I have to learn to be a person again, because the moment you left, and the times I were hurt screwed me over. So just stop talking to me."

Olivia tried to hurt him as badly as he hurt her. She turned on her heal and walked out of the pizza place, and headed down the street towards her apartment. Elliot didn't believe her when she said she wanted nothing to do with him, so he took off after her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest.

Olivia felt her cheeks warm up again, and as Elliot held her even closer she started to feel his breath against her neck.

"I meant it when I said I love you, and I know that as those words left your machine, you said you loved me back." He breathed before she turned around quickly and hugged him tightly.

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