Memories: Part 2

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Olivia woke up every morning to feel her heartache. Not only from the fact Elliot didn't call, and Elliot didn't seem too bothered by the fact that they had moved home and that he was going to have a son or daughter very soon. Olivia was beyond bothered by the fact that they decided to leave, to only come back home with more than they had left with.

"How are you doing?" Melanie asked when her youngest daughter came down the stairs nearly two months after she moved back home.

"I'm numb," Olivia replied, as she walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk before walking over and grabbing a cup.

"You'll start feeling again soon," Melanie replied, but Olivia didn't believe her mother. She didn't believe that she'd feel anything but anger and disappointment for the rest of her life. She had really and absolutely fucked up. She made a mistake and left the sheltered life she had, and now she was barely 19 and she was going to have a kid with a boy, not a man, who can't even return her calls.

"I don't know why you and Daddy wanted me back. Why you guys were okay having me come stay here again after I left on bad terms and hurt you all."

"Because you are our baby. Because we have some amazing memories with you, just like you will once that baby is born."

"Can I borrow some money?" Olivia asked, as she walked back over and put the milk back.

"For what?" Melanie asked.

"Pants that will actually fit me. I have an interview in the morning and I have to look nice for it. I'll have a hard enough getting a job while pregnant, let alone if my pants are too tight and make me look like a slob." Olivia replied.

"Anything you need, I'll make sure you have it," Melanie replied, as she smiled gently at her daughter.

"I'll pay you back. And I promise that I'll pay rent once I start getting money in."

"Olivia, save that money for you and the baby. You can use the crib we used for you."


Elliot looked over at the girl sitting in front of him, and he smiled as he watched her curl a piece of blonde hair around her finger as she read over the menu.

"So, where'd you go after high school?" Kathy asked, and Elliot sighed softly as he held his mug of steaming hot coffee between his hands.

"My girlfriend and I had moved away. We got into some trouble so we moved back in with our parents and broke up." Elliot spoke.

"Olivia?" Kathy asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah. We thought we were mature enough to live on our own... but then we kept missing rent. Then we also kinda got into some things that didn't end up working out."

"Some things that didn't end up working out? What do you mean? Like did you really think you could live together and not have sex or something?"

"I got her pregnant, Kathy. I hope that isn't going to be something that will make you uncomfortable." Elliot spoke, and Kathy frowned as she closed her menu and sat it on the table.

"If you are gonna be a father, then why the hell are you here? Shouldn't you be there and help her?" Kathy asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"We broke up."

"But that doesn't mean you can't be there for her while she's having your kid. No wonder you broke up. You are so immature."


Olivia got out of her mother's car after going to the interview and losing the job to someone older and less weighed down.

"You are looking nice," Elliot spoke, as Olivia walked towards the front door.

"Elliot?" Olivia asked.

"Hey, pretty woman." Elliot smiled, but Olivia didn't smile back at him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me after we broke up. It's like you didn't care about me anymore." Olivia frowned.

"You know that we broke up because we were too unhappy... I just wanted to come by and see you. Make sure you were feeling well and all." Elliot spoke.

"I'm four months pregnant and have finally stopped feeling sick all the time. My pants won't fit, and I lost a job today because I'm 19 and pregnant. So life is so fucking fun. I'm amazing." Olivia huffed. She continued up the path and went to open the front door to only find it locked. She pulled the keys from her pocket and started to find the key for the front door.

"I think that between my two jobs, I can help support you two," Elliot spoke.

"You can but I can tell you don't want to," Olivia replied quietly.

"What do you think we'll get?" Elliot asked, and Olivia sighed softly.

"I don't know. Elliot, can't you just leave me alone? You've been really good about leaving lately." Olivia sighed.

"Please forgive me, Liv."

"We were both beyond fucking stupid when we decided to leave. You lucked out because you can kinda just try and move forward. Nothing is weighing you down. No one can tell that you are going to be a father. But everyone can tell that I threw my life away because I was so eager to become an adult. I'll raise this kid and I'll love it... but I don't want you to pop in and out of his or her life. Okay?"


It was hard for Elliot to hear Olivia so down. He really hadn't realized that she hadn't taken this all in stride, but how she actually had a horrible time trying to get used to a life like this.

"What are you gonna do?" Bernie Stabler asked as she sank down beside her son.

"I'm gonna be a father to my kid and I want to help Olivia."

"How are you gonna be able to do that?" Bernie asked, and Elliot sighed before handing his mother a piece of paper.

"I'm gonna go to basic and become a Marine. Good pay, and if I can convince Olivia to marry me, we can have a house too." Elliot replied.

"Do you think she'll be able to trust you enough? Trust that you can help support her and that baby?" Bernie asked, and Elliot nodded.

"I think that I can. I hope she can just-"

"Last time you promised her that you'd both be okay, you ended up living in a shoebox apartment and you ended up getting her pregnant. So, there is going to have to be a lot done before she can trust you when you tell her that you can actually support her and that baby."

"I'll do anything, Mom. I love her."

"Love got you into this, Elliot. Just remember that."

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