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Amanda and Dominick ran to their vehicle and climbed it. It was down pouring and Liv had called them back from running leads, but she had to call them back in the middle of a freaking thunderstorm.

"It's so cold out there," Amanda spoke, as she started to shiver. Dominick turned on the heat, before reaching in the back and grabbing their NYPD jackets.

"I'm not driving in this. Let's wait for it to calm down a bit." Dominick spoke, and Amanda nodded as she took her soaked sweater off. He looked over and saw a tiny bit of her black lacy bra show over the top of her tank top.

"Uh, don't look?" She questioned, and he bit his lip as he looked out the windshield.

Amanda pulled the jacket on and used her wet sweater to try and get as much water out of her blonde locks as possible.

"How long do you think we'll be stuck here?" Dominick asked, as he looked around to see if he could make out a sign that said coffee on it.

"I don't know. Probably a few hours or something. You never know." Amanda sighed. She shifted a bit in her seat and pulled out her phone. She went to see if she could call Olivia and tell her what was happening, but the weather caused the call to drop. She looked over at Dominick and sighed.

"Do we have any snacks in here? I'm starving." She spoke, and he shrugged.

"Possibly. But it's going to be in the back of the vehicle in my duffle bag."

"What's in the said duffle bag?"

"Extra clothes, water, some food, hair gel." He spoke. Amanda laughed before pushing herself up and climbing in the back. She knew Dominick was staring at her ass as she climbed back, but she didn't mind. He was cute, and she wanted to tell him that.


The rain continued to flow heavily from the sky. The roads were flooded slightly, and it was recommended that people stay off the road until the rain stops altogether. Amanda and Dominick sat in the backseat of the vehicle so they had more space. They sat close to each other as they talked and laughed. Amanda told Dominick about her life growing up in Loganville and how she loved getting out of that small town where everyone knew everyone.

Dominick told her about his life with more sisters than he could count. They were both enjoying hearing about where they grew up and everything about each other. The car eventually got cold again after they turned it off, so Dominick offered to share his heat and wrapped his arm around Amanda. They snuggled together under their NYPD jackets which were now being used as blankets.

"Olivia is going to be so pissed at us." Amanda laughed softly, as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"She usually is." He replied quietly. They were both getting quiet and tired. The sound of the rain against the roof of the car made them sleeping. Amanda shifted a bit more and rested her head against his chest as she put her legs up on the seat.

"Are you tired?" Dominick asked, yet he knew she was.

"Kinda... do we risk sleeping through the end of the rain, or do we stay up and try to talk to stay awake?" Amanda yawned.

"Sleep if you want, Rollins. I'll stay up." Dominick replied. She looked up at him before biting her lip.

"Carisi?" She asked.


"I love you." She breathed, before shifting up and kissing him deeply. She sank back down and cuddled close to him before falling asleep. Dominick stared ahead with wide eyes before taking a shaky breath.

"I love you too..."


The rain stopped about an hour after Amanda fell asleep. They climbed back into the front of the vehicle before driving back to the precinct.

Amanda locked the car before Dominick could get out of the car, and she looked at him.

"Did I scare you earlier? I know that telling you I love you is really out of the blue and a huge step. But, I meant it and I hope you love me too." She breathed. Dominick leaned over and pressed his lips firmly against Amanda's lips before resting his forehead against hers.

"It took me some time to tell you it back. You were asleep when I told you back, but I love you too. I've had a crush on you for a while. And you should know by now that I don't help out with just anyone's baby." He smiled.

"She doesn't settle down for just anyone. Uh, we should probably go in. But be cool." She spoke, before kissing him again.

They went upstairs and Olivia called them into her office before yelling at them for being late. She told them that they were going to be staying later tonight to make up for the time they wasted. Before Dominick could leave her office, Olivia said his name a little more calmly than before.

"Carisi." She breathed.

"Yeah?" He asked. She walked over to him and handed him a tissue.

"Next time you spend 4 hours in a car with Amanda, make sure she wipes her lipstick off of your lips. It's kinda noticeable." She smiled. Carisi blushed as he took the tissue and wiped his lips off.

"Yeah, I didn't really think that was going to happen today." He admitted.

"Well, Fin and I were betting on when it would happen. He won about $250." She laughed softly. She walked back around her desk and gathered up her stuff to leave for the night.

"Can Amanda go home and be with Jesse? I'll do everything you need me to." He spoke. Olivia took a moment before nodding.

"Both of you go home. I'll think of a better punishment by tomorrow morning."

Olivia left and Dominick walked out and helped Amanda to her feet.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I talked Olivia into letting us both go home. So spend some time with your baby." He spoke.

"Wanna come home with me and spend some time with me and my baby?" She asked, and Dominick nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah. I'd love to."

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