Red and Blue Lights

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The sound of glass breaking woke her up from her surprisingly deep sleep. She quickly opened her eyes as the sound of glass breaking was followed by a slurred line of profanities. She swallowed hard as she swung her legs off the edge of her bed and quickly found her slippers in the pitch black room.

She turned on the lamp beside her bed, before leaning down and grabbing the bat from underneath her bed. She knew what was happening, so she had to be prepared to defend herself. Just like every other time before.

"Serena!" Her step-father's voice yelled from the living room. She swallowed hard before swinging the door open and running down the hall. She didn't even bother knocking before opening the door and closing it tightly behind her. 

"O-olivia?" A small voice whimpered, and Olivia quickly put a chair in front of the door before crossing the floor and to where her younger sister was sandwiched between her bed and her bedside table.

"Annie, are you okay?" Olivia whispered, as she sank down in front of her sister before reaching her hand out and caressing her messy hair.

"Daddy is getting mean again... he's going to hurt us, isn't he?" Annie whispered, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, honey. He isn't going to hurt us again. I will protect you. I promise." Olivia breathed. She leaned close and kissed her sister's forehead gently before hearing as her step-father's hand dragged across the wall as he tried to find Serena.

"He's coming." Annie whispered, her voice barely audible.

Olivia stood before pointing under the bed. Annie quickly slipped under the bed, before reaching her hand out to her big sister. Olivia grabbed it and squeezed it gently.

"Serena!" Dan yelled, and Olivia took a slow breath before walking over to the door and moving the chair to the side.

"Sissy, please." Annie whispered, and Olivia shook her head.

"Stay quiet, Annie. Please. For me and Mama."


"Annabelle-" Olivia started, but stopped when she heard as Dan started to pound on the door.

"Serena? Come out. Now." He slurred.

"She isn't here, Dan. So why don't you just go to bed and you can see her in the morning." Olivia spoke as strongly as she could. But she was scared. 

At fifteen, she had five years of experience in protecting herself and her family from Dan. She had thrown herself between him and her mother when Serena was pregnant with Annie, and she would still do anything to protect her younger sister and mother.

"I bet she's in there with you! I bet she's hiding like the little bitch she is! Open this damn door right now, Serena!" Dan screamed.

"She. Isn't. Here." Olivia growled, as she heard her sister start to cry underneath her bed.

"Then I want you." Dan huffed. Olivia took a slow breath before opening the door and looking at Dan.

"I'm done letting you mess up our lives. So leave." Olivia spoke as she kept her bat hiding behind the door. She didn't want him to know that she was armed and ready to beat the shit out of him.

"You are just as annoying and bitchy as your mother. Get out of my way and-"

"Back the fuck up." Olivia yelled as Dan tried to push his way into the room. Olivia held her bat and got ready to swing as hard as she could.

Dan stumbled back a bit before shaking his head.

"I guess we are all dying tonight." Dan slurred, before pulling a shiny gun from his waistband. Olivia bit her lip before nodding.

"I guess we are."


Olivia sat on the front steps of the house with her arms wrapped around her little sister's body. Annie was shaking, but it wasn't because it was cold out. It was because her own father aimed a gun at her body and almost pulled the trigger, but Olivia smacked him so hard over the head with the bat that he fell face down into the carpet and was now on his way to the hospital.

"Where is your mother?" An officer asked, as he draped a blanket over Olivia's body. She pulled it tighter around her body so she and Annie could stay warm.

"She's at work." Olivia breathed as she felt her sister rest her head against her chest.

"We have to take you and your sister to the hospital." He spoke, and Olivia swallowed hard as she looked down at her sister.

"We are fine, officer... can't we just stay here and go back to bed? Our mom will be home in a few hours." Olivia frowned.

"Your sister said that you were hurt by your step-father. We need to-"

"He's just going to come back and hurt us again and again. He always does. He beats us, and he starts small fires on the carpet, and he drinks away all the money my mother makes. Taking me to the hospital isn't going to do a damn thing, so leave it be. My sister needs her sleep, so just tell me where we are sleeping."


The night that Dan was taken into custody, was also the night that Olivia was taken to a group home and Serena and Annie left the state to get away from Dan. Olivia understood that Serena left to protect Annie, but she just wished that she could have left with them.

Olivia stayed in the group home until she was eighteen, and then she was sent on her way with just enough money to buy herself dinner that night. 

But now, fifteen years after those red and blue lights took away her abuser, Olivia was happy and had a life of her own. But as the days went by and she and her husband had a child of their own and were really making a life for themselves, Olivia still wondered about her baby sister and mother.

She was wondering if Dan had made it out of his jail cell and tried to get back to them, or if they had finally escaped for good.

"Hey, babe!" Elliot called up the stairs. Olivia left her son's room before moving out down the hall.

"Yeah?" Olivia questioned, as she took the stairs slowly and smiled at her husband.

"You have a visitor." Elliot replied.

"Okay? Do you know who it is?" Olivia mused, as her husband reached out and tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"I don't. But I'll be upstairs if you need me." Elliot replied, before leaning close and kissing his wife gently.

Olivia walked towards the front door as her husband went upstairs to hang with their son. As Olivia opened the door, and she caught sight of the person on the other side, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Olivia?" The young woman asked, as she looked Olivia over.


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