A Bundle in a Basket

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Elliot Stabler turned off the light in his office and stretched his body before heading towards the stairs. He had just finished going through the paperwork Cragen sent him home with, and now he needed to go to bed and hold his wife for a bit.

As Elliot started to walk up the stairs, he heard the doorbell ring. He turned around slowly and headed back down the stairs. He expected that someone from the crew was here to tell him and Olivia that they were needed back at the precinct, but instead, Elliot found a basket on the doorstep. He grew concerned because he didn't know why there was just a basket on his front stoop. He leaned down and pushed the pieces of newspaper away, and that's when he noticed a very small baby laying in the basket. Elliot quickly yelled for his wife as he lifted the basket up and brought it into the house.

"Elliot? What the hell is wrong? You are going to wake up Morgan!" Olivia exclaimed as she came down the stairs. She had her robe wrapped around her body, but it still didn't protect her from the cold air that flowed into the house since the front door was still open.

"Someone left a baby on our doorstep, Liv! It's really small and the cord was cut by hastily." Elliot exclaimed, as he quickly handed the basket to his wife. She looked in shock as she saw the small baby.

"Oh shit. Uh, shut the door and get some blankets and get me some lukewarm water. I'm going to clean the baby up." Olivia whispered. She quickly carried the basket into the kitchen and sat it on the counter. She reached her hands into the basket and pulled the small baby girl from it. She held her close as she started to cry loudly.

"Oh, I know honey. I know. This is all so scary. But we have you. We have you and you are safe."


Elliot found a newborn onesie for the baby to wear, and then he got Morgan around. They needed to get to the hospital because Olivia noticed a hand-shaped bruise around her neck, and she was actually shivering.

"She's so cold." Olivia breathed, from where she sat in the front seat of the car with the baby inside her jacket.

"Just keep her as warm as possible. Want me to turn the heat up a bit?" Elliot asked as he sped through a red light.

"Yeah, a little. Not too much. We don't want to shock her." Olivia spoke.

In all their time as cops, Olivia and Elliot have never had a child left on their doorstep. Both were wondering why the person picked them. Maybe they saw the small sticker on the window of their car that says 'Baby on Board'. Or maybe the person had been planning on dropping the baby off here all along.

Elliot looked in the review mirror and saw his 6-month-old daughter sleeping in her car seat. He was wondering how someone could just give up their child. Elliot and Olivia were both madly in love with the newest addition to their family and never thought about giving her up.

"Once we get there, I'll go in and give the baby to the doctor. You can get Morgan out and then call the crew. We are taking this case. Tell them that the scene is our house and that the basket the baby was in is in the kitchen on the counter." Olivia spoke, as he pulled into the hospital's parking lot and sped towards the ER. He parked and his wife got out, while he went to park.


The baby was considered full term, yet she weighed only 5 pounds. She was small, and as the doctors told Olivia and Elliot about what they needed to do to save the baby's life, Olivia started to think that the baby's mother must've tried to hide her pregnancy all along. She must've been either scared or incredible embarrassed about being pregnant. That's why it looked like she tried to squeeze the life out of the small baby.

"So, as those that found the baby, would you like us to try our hardest to keep her alive? It will be a hard life for her until she gains weight and can get her body temperature back to normal, but she can survive this." One of the doctors spoke.

"Of course. Save her." Olivia spoke, as she swayed where she stood. Morgan was sleeping in her arms, and they didn't need her to wake up and throw a fit in the middle of a busy hospital waiting room.

"Alright, we will keep you updated as we find out more." He spoke, before walking away quickly. Elliot and Olivia went and sat down, and it was time for them to finally discuss what happened.

"Elliot, this has been a crazy night," Olivia whispered as she cradled their baby in her arms. Elliot nodded as he reached over and patted his wife's leg.

"Yeah. Thank god I hadn't gone to bed any earlier. If I had, she might not have been found in time." Elliot breathed. He leaned over and kissed Olivia's check before sighing.

"We need to find that girl. I don't know what led her to this, but I think she needs some help. She needs someone to talk to and really decide what she wants to do. She can be charged with abandoning her daughter unless we can find a real reason why she did it." Olivia breathed. She leaned down and pecked her daughter's forehead, before looking at Elliot.

"We will do everything we can do. But honestly, that baby would be better off without whoever her parents are, as her parents."


It took a week for the crew to find Baby Girl Doe's mother. She was found in a shelter a few miles away from Olivia and Elliot's house. Not only was she sick from not completely delivering the afterbirth and not have proper care during her pregnancy, but she also was suffering from withdrawal from drugs and booze. She was arrested and taken to the hospital, but there was never going to be a chance for her to get her daughter back. But instead, a couple who had always wanted children, but have never been able to have any, adopted her when she was only a month old.

"Take care of her, alright? She's special." Olivia spoke, as she and Elliot said goodbye to the baby.

"We promise to take care of her. She's going to be so loved." Erin smiled, as she rocked the baby in her arms.

"What are you going to name her?" Elliot asked as he wrapped his arm around his wife's waist.

"Noelle. She was born around Christmas, and we plan on not hiding her entrance into the world from her. She's our little miracle." Case spoke, as he ran his finger's over Noelle's soft red curls.

"Good, and please, if you wouldn't mind... uh, keep us updated? We wanted to really see how amazing she'll continue to be as she grows up." Olivia smiled.

"We promise. Thanks again..."

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