Mother's Day

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Elliot quietly walked towards the door that was covered in pictures of race cars and dinosaurs. He slowly opened the door and smiled when he saw Noah still sleeping, his bottom up in the air which is the same way he has slept since the day they got him.

"Little man, wake up." Elliot whispered, as he walked into the room. The small boy barely opened his eyes, before frowning.

"Daddy I'm tired. Go back to bed." He huffed, before he turned his head so he couldn't see Elliot. Elliot laughed at his son, which made the little boy sit up and start to pout.

"Don't make fun of me, Daddy!" Noah exclaimed, and Elliot was quick to gather the boy in his arms and placed his hand over Noah's mouth.

"Don't be so loud. I wanted to wake you up, because it's Mother's Day. We gotta go make breakfast for your Momma." Elliot smiled, and Noah quickly nodded, as his blue eyes lit up.

Noah is so dedicated to his mother, that when his father said they were going to do something for Olivia, he was more than willing to help. He wanted his mother to be proud of him.

"What are we gonna make for Momma?" Noah asked, as Elliot carried him out to the kitchen.

"Well what do you wanna make? We have so much we could make her." Elliot smiled, as he sat his son on the counter. Noah started to think as Elliot grabbed a few frying pans.

"Momma likes pancakes, and oatmeal, and bacon, and f-" Noah started his list, but Elliot stopped him.

"Okay, picked either pancakes or french toast. Then either bacon or sausage, okay?" Elliot spoke, and the little boy nodded.


Elliot and Noah worked hard on Olivia's breakfast. As they made a mess, surprisingly they cleaned it up. Noah made sure his mother's tea was perfect, and he even took the time to draw a heard on her pancakes with the syrup. Both of them were excited to show Olivia what they managed to do without here helping and guiding them, but Elliot might've been more excited then his son.

Olivia and Elliot got married 5 years ago. The first two years before they got married, Olivia had three miscarriages that rocked their relationship to the core, but instead of falling apart, it made them stronger. But for this Mother's Day, not only did Olivia have Noah, she also had her newborn baby girl Cara.

"Daddy, should we get Cara before we give Momma her breakfast? She should have both of her babies there for this!" Noah exclaimed, and Elliot smiled.

"Lets go get her and change her, okay? Then we can wake up your Momma."


After a few small issues regarding Cara's diaper and having her throw up on her jumper, Elliot and Noah managed to get her to stay clean long enough to serve Olivia her much deserved breakfast.

"Momma." Noah whispered, as he carefully carried the tray into his parents' bedroom. Olivia was sleeping deeply since she and Elliot had been up late last night try to get Cara down.

"Babe, Noah and Cara have a surprise for you!" Elliot exclaimed, which scared his wife. She sat up quickly, and looked over at her family, before running her hands over her face.

"What time is it?" She yawned, and Noah smiled largely.

"Breakfast time!" Noah sang, as he quickly handed his mother the tray with the food he took such care in preparing with his father.

Olivia looked at her husband, and then back at the food. She smiled as tears welled in her eyes.

"Thanks, love. You are the sweetest little boy." Olivia smiled softly, before reaching a hand out to help Noah onto the bed. Elliot walked over and sat down on his side of the bed with Cara in his arms.

"We got you some gifts too, but Noah and I thought breakfast might be more important since we had been up almost all last night." Elliot spoke, and his wife nodded as Noah stole a piece of bacon from the tray. He giggled as his mother poked his belly.

"Don't steal my breakfast, Noah." Olivia scolded, but she had a hard time not laughing.

"Alright, Liv why don't you eat this, and I'll go feed Noah and hold Cara. But in the feeding department for her, you're going to have to do that. But enjoy." Elliot smiled, because he knew if he didn't get Noah out now, he'd be eating Olivia's breakfast. 


After presents and breakfast, Elliot took his family to his gift he got Olivia, which was a secluded cottage in the more forested part of New York.

"El, this is a long drive. Where are we going?" Olivia questioned, from where she sat in back between Noah and Cara.

"Our new vacation home." Elliot spoke, and Olivia quickly looked at him through the rear view mirror.

"What?" She questioned, and Elliot smiled.

"You said that you wanted a place where our kids could go and be away from the city. Be away from the sickness, the overpopulation, and so they could grow up in nature. So I got you this." Elliot spoke, and Olivia sighed as she wiped a few tears from her cheeks.

"You know I'm emotional..." She sighed again, because she didn't want to start crying more than she already was.

"I know, and I didn't mean to make you-"

"You made me cry because you are just so amazing!"


For every Mother's Day, Olivia and Elliot went to the cottage with their children. The year after Cara was born, they were able to bring their son Carson, and the year later they even brought the crew to celebrate.

For Olivia, having a cottage where they could get away from everything made a huge difference. It was her escape from the trials and tribulations of being a sex detective in a largely populated city. 

For Elliot, it gave him a place where he could truly appreciate the family Olivia has given him, and a place where he could play catch with his sons, and teach all of his children how to fish. 

For all of them, it gave them a place to continue being a close knit family.

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