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Okay, so this is a one-shot about Olivia and her accepting her body. This one-shot idea was thought of after I read a small article in The Globe where they called Mariska a heavy-weight, and it was titled Lard and Order. It really pissed me off, so yeah... 

Olivia sat on the edge of her bathtub, as tears ran down her cheeks. Between exhaustion and her hormones, Olivia was a mess this morning.

"Hey, so Paige is up and crying," Elliot spoke, from the other side of the locked bathroom door. His wife had gone in there about an hour ago, and he didn't know why she hadn't come out yet.

"Just give her a bottle," Olivia mumbled, as she brushed tears from her cheeks.

"But you are-"

"Just give her a bottle!" Olivia sobbed. Elliot quickly walked away from the door and lifted their daughter from her bassinet before leaving the bedroom and heading downstairs.

Olivia stood slowly and tried to button her pants, but they wouldn't close. Olivia let out a sob, as she tried everything to get her prebaby pants back on. But it wasn't happening. Now she was wondering why Elliot called her beautiful last night. Right now she only felt... ugh.


Eventually, Olivia went downstairs in her sweats and a t-shirt. She had tossed her hair up into a messy bun, after calling herself into work. She knew she wouldn't make it through the day without something making her cry again. More than likely it would be if Elliot said something sweet to her.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Elliot asked as he turned to look at her. He wasn't wearing his work shirt because their precious little girl had spit up all over it. Olivia looked at him and hated him for not having his body change when they became parents. Only hers did.

"I'm not going to work," Olivia replied. She walked over to the kettle and started to fill it with water. Elliot watched as she moved about the kitchen, and he saw the dried tear paths on her cheeks.

"If I go upstairs, will your work pants be in the trash can?" Elliot asked, and Olivia just ignored him.


"Why did I get fat?" Olivia asked as she turned around quickly. Elliot looked at her with wide eyes.

"What? You aren't fat. You had a baby-"

"I had a baby 3 months ago! I should be at least starting to lose the baby weight, but I'm not even doing that! Elliot, I can't fit into my work pants. I can't fit into any of my work shirts. Even my boots don't fit that well anymore! And how the fuck could you say I'm beautiful when I look like this?!" Olivia cried.

Elliot had never seen his wife like this before. She had always been so confident, but now she was so unsure and even hated her body. 

"How could I say you are beautiful?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"How am I beautiful?" Olivia whispered. Elliot walked over to her and held her head in his hands. He drew her close and kissed her lips deeply before drawing her close.

"You are beautiful because you are my wife." He spoke.

"So it's only because you are married to me?!" Olivia sobbed as she stepped back quickly.

"No! Livvie-"

"Just go to work!"


Elliot left hesitantly and left his wife at home with their daughter. Paige was fussy again when he left, so at least Olivia's mind was going to be on something other than her view on her post-baby body. But it wasn't even two hours later when he got a call from his wife asking him to come home. Elliot packed up and drove him, to find his wife sitting on the front porch with Paige laying in her arms.

"Liv?" Elliot asked, and Olivia bit her lip before standing and walking to her husband. She laid Paige in his arms before looking him over.

"I'm going upstairs. I need to sleep. Forever." She mumbled.

"Olivia, let's talk. I think you really need to vent to me."

"Go away." She huffed, before turning and walking into the house. Elliot quickly followed her, before taking Paige to the nursery before walking into the bedroom where his wife was getting comfortable in the bed. Elliot walked over to her side of the bed and sank down onto the floor in front of it.

"How long have I known you?" Elliot asked, and Olivia just closed her eyes and tried to not look at him.

"Olivia Margaret Stabler, tell me. How long have I known you?" Elliot asked, and Olivia bit her lip before opening her eyes to look at him.

"10 years." She breathed, and Elliot smiled and nodded.

"10 amazing years. And we have been together for 9 of those years. I have told you how beautiful you were no matter what you were wearing. No matter if you were wearing makeup or hadn't washed your hair. It didn't matter to me, and it still doesn't. You are my wife, and I love the way you look."

"You don't." She whimpered.

"I don't love the way you look? Are you sure?" Elliot replied, and Olivia nodded shyly. Elliot shrugged as he ran his finger over the slope of her nose.

"I watched you give birth to our child. I watched as your body changed while you were carrying Paige. I watched as your face grew fuller and your stomach swelled. Wanna know what I felt when I looked at you?" Elliot asked.

"Disgust." Olivia let out in a sob. Elliot shook his head as he moved closer and rested his forehead against hers.

"I still felt the intense love that I felt towards you since the day we finally started to date. There has never been a day where I didn't love you and everything you are. I could honestly care less if you dress up or wear makeup because natural Liv is one of my favorites. And you will get back into those pants. You will be able to wear your badass boots and kick ass once again. You just have to give yourself some more time." Elliot breathed. He kissed Olivia's lips softly before moving to stand.

"I just have to be confident again... of my body?" Olivia asked.

"You are amazing, Olivia. You should be confident because you have done so many amazing things. And bringing our daughter into the world is the second-best thing." Elliot spoke.

"Second?" She huffed.

"Marrying me was the first." 

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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