A Stabler and a Benson: Final Part

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Catherine's POV

Eli and I sat together in our hotel room the same night I met his family. I liked them, but I didn't know if they liked me. Especially since I told them who my mother was.

"So, my parents want to have a dinner with your parents." Eli spoke, and I looked over at him.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked, kinda panicked.

"They want to meet your parents. I know that my Dad and Mom know your Mom, but my Mom doesn't know your Dad." He replied, and I swallowed hard.

"No." I replied, and he eyed me.


"We can't! I don't want them to hate each other, and then we'd have to break up. I love you too much." I spoke, and he leaned in and smiled. He placed a kiss to my lips, and sighed into the kiss.

"I love you too. But nothing can break us apart." He spoke, and I sighed. I stood and walked over to the bed, and laid down on it.

"Eli, our parents kinda had a thing. Don't you think it would be awkward? Like, since they probably slept together?" I asked, and he made a vomiting noise, before he sat down and ran his hands over his face.

"We'll just see."


The next morning I called my mother from the hotel and waited for her to answer. I wanted to see if she wanted to eat dinner with just Eli and myself. But he told me not to tell my parents about his parents.

"Hello, daughter." She spoke, as she answered her phone, and I groaned.

"I told you that I didn't want you to call me daughter anymore. People might find out." I whispered fiercely, and my mother laughed. It was nice to hear her laugh, since she might hate me after tonight.

"So, why did you call, love?" She asked, and I took a slow breath before speaking.

"Wanna have a dinner with Eli and I? Maybe just Dad and you... Not the twins." I spoke, and she flipped through something.

"Yeah. We aren't busy. I'll call Lucy and see if the girls can sleep over with her." She spoke, and I let out a small sigh.

"Awesome. So meet at our hotel at about 6. We'll eat a later dinner, and then Eli and I have to get on a train back home."

"Okay. Sounds good. I love you, Catie."

"Love you too, Momma."


I stood in front of Eli, and I straightened his tie with shaky hands. I was nervous about how ugly this might become. That it was going to be horrible, and the only way to get away from it would be to break up with Eli and run away.

"Kiss me." Eli spoke, and I looked at him.

"Why?" I replied.

"It usually calms your nerves. And I know you're freaking out, because you are worried about the turn out. But it'll be good. They are going to have to work with each other again at some point." He spoke, and I arched an eyebrow, and he kissed me softly. I continued to stare at him, and he smiled.

"I have a surprise for you later."

"E-" I started, but he pressed more kisses into my lips, and I gave in. He knew my weakness.


Sitting together with Eli and waiting for our parents to arrive was like being on the beach by the water. But instead of waves of water washing over us, it was waves of anxiety. Every time the door opened, and people were escorted to their tables, I got even more panicked.

My parents were the first to arrive. I stood quickly and walked over to hug them. When I was hugging my mother, I noticed Eli shake hands with my father, and a few words were exchanged. I backed away from my mother and she smiled at me.

"You look beautiful as always." She spoke, and I smiled.

"Momma, your kissing up for something." I sighed, and she shrugged.

"It's an apology for me drinking tonight. I don't have the twins to go home to, so your father is letting me drink." She chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.

We walked over and sat down again, and my parents looked over the table.

"Did you invite a few more people?" My father asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah. They'll be here soon."

"Who?" My mother asked, and I didn't speak, and Eli smiled and stood up.

"There they are!" He exclaimed, and my mother went pale.

"Catherine." She breathed, and I looked over at her.

"I'm not breaking up with Eli anytime soon. Please just give them a chance."

"I don't want to look at him." She cracked, before standing and heading towards the bathroom.

I looked over and saw Eli's father watched my mother as she walked away, and I sighed.


Olivia's POV

I love my daughter, and I want to make her happy, and support her, but when she loves the son of my ex partner, my best friend, and the guy I've loved for years, I didn't know if I could do it anymore.

I walked out of the bathroom, after having to redo some of my makeup because it had started to run when I was crying. I walked towards the table, and looked at everyone. Elliot and Kathy were sitting next to Eli, and Catie had moved to sit next to me and her father. I didn't want to go back, but if I did go back, I could drink wine.

"Liv." Elliot spoke, as he stood up and looked at me.

"No." I breathed, and he swallowed hard, before sitting down. I walked towards the chair between my husband and daughter, and I sat down. I then grabbed David's hand, and fell into the tension that was surrounding the table.

"So... How's life?" Kathy asked me, but I just shook my head again.

"Eli, now is the time." David spoke, and I looked over at my husband, and confusion laced my expression. And then when I looked back around, I noticed confusion on everyone's faces.

"Eli, what are you doing?" Kathy asked, and I watched as Elliot's son walked around and towards my daughter's seat. She turned her body towards him, as her cheeks turned bright red. I watched as he pulled out a red velvet ring box, and tears welled in my eyes.

"Catherine Haden, will you marry me?"

Hey guys! So I don't know what you want me to do with these, so please comment below. Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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