Anchor Babies

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Amanda and Carisi went sprinting down a busy street in Manhattan, as they tried to take down a man who was covered in blood. Neither of them knew why he was covered in blood, but they needed to find out why.

"He's going down that side street. Let's cut him off!" Amanda yelled, and Carisi nodded before he continued sprinting in the direction they were going originally, and Amanda went into an alley. She sprinted as hard as she could, her lungs burnt like crazy from all of the running, but as she ran out of the alley, the man was running past it. She tackled him and sent him to the ground, while Carisi slid to a stop and fell right onto his back as he slipped on ice.

"You okay?" Amanda huffed, and Carisi nodded.

"My back hurts like hell. Handcuff him, and we can take him back for questioning." Carisi groaned as he rolled over before standing. Amanda climbed off of the suspect, and handcuffed him, before pulling him to his feet. Before they could even start walking back to where they left their car, a small rattle fell from his jacket and hit the frozen ground with a large thud.

"Why the hell do you have a rattle?" Carisi asked as he pulled a rubber glove from his pocket, and picked the silver rattle up. He examined it and saw an anchor etched into the metal.

"Uh..." Amanda spoke, as she saw it.

"Come on, I think we need to talk to Liv about this."


The detectives tossed the perp into an interrogation room, and they walked into the locker room change since Carisi had mud on him, and Amanda had blood. Amanda put her clothes into an evidence bag, before walking out towards Olivia's office, where Carisi was already standing and discussing what had happened.

"Ah, evidence." Olivia sighed, as she tossed Amanda a pen so she could fill out the chain of evidence on the bag.

"Liv, something is just not right about this all. Like incredibly wrong." Amanda spoke.

"Can I see the rattle?" Olivia asked, and Carisi passed it to her.

"Anchor babies," Olivia spoke, and her detectives looked at her completely confused.

"Anchor babies? Like, it's illegal to use-" Carisi spoke, but he stopped when Amanda elbowed him in his side.

"They aren't using them as anchors, stupid. Like, aren't they children born in the US that get citizenship and it allows their parents to stick around also?"

"Yeah. We've seen it before. So, let's see if we can pick up fingerprints on this. If the parents are immigrants, their prints will be in the database. Amanda, go home and get some clothes that aren't NYPD sweats. Carisi, do the same. Fin and I will work on this till you get back."


"I hope that all that blood wasn't from a child," Amanda spoke, as she pulled a shirt on. Carisi stepped out of the bathroom after he took a shower.

"I hope not either." He spoke, before walking towards his secret girlfriend. He leaned down and kissed her neck, before walking over to grab a dress shirt.

"I remember reading about this when I was researching the squad. People were killing kids because they didn't like that the taxpayers had to help their illegal parents."

"Maybe they are back and in full force..."

"Maybe. I think we need to talk to Liv about this. Or maybe they already figured this all out while we were showering and getting changed."


The crew quietly walked with a SWAT team through a large abandoned factory. Rooms had been cleared, but they still hadn't found a large number of children that had been kidnapped over the years. The man that Amanda and Carisi had arrested had squealed on his partners, saying that for years they have been kidnapping anchor babies. But since the parents were illegal, they didn't want to report it and get deported.

The SWAT leader motioned to his men, and one of them pushed the squad back a bit, as they got ready to storm the last room. Olivia didn't move, and neither did the rest of the crew. They were going to go in there with the SWAT team because they know victims like the SWAT teams know how to shoot people with lots of weapons.

The doors were slammed open, and loud screaming was heard inside. Gunshots were heard, and as soon as everyone was inside, the crew went sprinting towards the children, the ones who were laying on the ground with bullet wounds.

"Hey, it's okay darling. You are okay." Amanda spoke, as she pressed her hands to the small boy's wounded stomach.

"I want my Momma." He whimpered. Amanda nodded as she took one hand away and brushed the hair from his forehead.

"We will find your Momma and your Papa, buddy. I promise." Amanda spoke, but tears started to well in her eyes as the boy started to cough, and blood ran from his mouth.

"Liv!" Amanda cried. Olivia turned around to look at her detective. She quickly stood from where a little girl had just a small wound on the edge of her arm. Olivia walked to Amanda and knelt beside them.

"Hey, little man. You are okay." Olivia smiled. The little boy looked at her, and his eyes filled with so much excitement.

"Momma? Momma, when did you get here?" He questioned. Olivia looked at Amanda, before looking back at the small boy and smiling.

"You wanted me, sweetie, so I came here to be with you. It's so good to see you again, I missed you." Olivia spoke because she didn't want to have this small boy die and have him be crying for his parents.

"I love you, Momma." He whimpered, before starting to cough again. Amanda kept her hands pressed firmly to his wound, but she knew it wasn't going to save him. Olivia gently caressed his hair, before smiling at him.

"I love you too. You are going to be okay. We will get you help." Olivia breathed. But his eyes closed, and his head lulled to the side. Amanda started to cry, while Olivia slipped her jacket off and draped it over the small boy.

"His parents are going to get deported, right?" Amanda whimpered, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"I have no idea. But we need to find his parents. We need to give them closure." Olivia spoke before she stood and looked around the room.

"Take them to my precinct. Fin, go get the EMTs, someone call Warner."

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