A Dream

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Olivia winced as Elliot gave her another shot. Once again they were trying to do everything possible to have a baby, but both knew that this probably would never work.

"That is the last one." Elliot frowned, as he tossed the syringe away.

"We can't afford anymore, El. I'm sorry." Olivia frowned, as tears welled in her eyes. She wanted to give Elliot a baby so badly, but once again she felt like she was disappointing him.

"Hey, don't apologize, Olivia. If we can't have a baby, we can always adopt one, get a surrogate. We will figure this out. Right now, I'm just happy to be your husband." He smiled softly at his distraught wife. She gave him a small nod, before walking from the bathroom as she worked her brown locks into a clip.

As Olivia walked towards the kitchen to grab her coffee for her morning drive to the precinct, her husband gathered up his files so he could head to IAB.

"We could find a woman who looks like you to carry our baby so that the baby will really look like the both of us." Elliot smiled softly, and that just made Olivia break down into tears.

She didn't want another woman to carry the baby that she wanted to give Elliot! She wanted to go through every stage of pregnancy because, in the end, she knew she'd be the one allowing Elliot to be a father.

Elliot quickly sat his briefcase down, and he walked into their small kitchen to comfort his wife. He wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her around so she could bury her face in his shoulder. He stopped wearing white dress shirts because often times Olivia cries in the morning and her makeup would stain them.

"Olivia, please don't worry about this. The doctors said that eventually, it may happen. Naturally or with help. We will be bringing home a baby of our own before you know it!" Elliot exclaimed as he tried to sound optimistic. But in reality, Elliot was worrying about what their infertility was doing to their marriage. What it was doing to his wife, and even himself.

"We've lost three babies, El. One to her biological parents and I miscarried the other two. Don't you think that we should just give up altogether? Clearly, we aren't meant to be parents. God hates me, and he's making that pretty damn clear!" She cried, before she pushed her hands against her husband's chest, as she stepped back. She didn't want him to hold her anymore. She wanted to run outside and scream until she didn't have a voice because she wanted everyone to know how angry she was at the world around them.

"We aren't giving up on this! I don't want it to just be a dream, Liv. I want this to really happen. I want to have a baby with you!" He cried back, and she just shook her head as she gathered her items.

"We can try again tonight, but then we are done. No more actually trying for a baby." She huffed before she walked back into the kitchen. She kissed him angrily, before stomping out of the apartment.


Elliot knew how truly upset his wife was because her dream since before she could remember was that she wanted to be a mother. But now, she didn't even believe that could come true. So he wanted to make their last night of really trying for a baby special, so maybe she'd calm down a bit and let things just happen.

He ordered her favorite Italian food from a small family own restaurant in Times Square, and then he got several dozen roses. He went home and lit candles and scattered the flowers around. He didn't realize that he could just buy rose petals, so he destroyed two dozen roses just for petals. He scattered those around, before going to set their small table that only had two chairs.

As he was tying his tie, Olivia arrived home. He quickly finished up, before walking out and into their living room. Olivia stood in the doorway, staring at what her husband had done.

"So, do you like it?" Elliot asked, and Olivia just nodded slowly, as tears welled in her eyes.

"Really? Because you aren't speaking." He laughed, as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"No, I love it, El. But why are you doing this? I thought you had to work late?" She questioned, as Elliot took her items from her, and put them in their places.

"Oh, I did. But this is more important. Baby making is more important." He smiled, and she laughed softly, as she walked over to where the food was. She lifted one of the metal lids and smiled before sitting it back down.

"You did this all because this is our last night trying for a baby? Why?" Olivia questioned. Elliot walked over and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly, before starting to answer her questions.

"I want to make this a special night. I want you to relax all together. I want you to just smile and laugh. I want you to enjoy this night, alright? I did this for you because you are the most important person in my life." Elliot spoke, and Olivia leaned her head against his chest as a few tears ran down her cheeks.

"How did I get so lucky?" She whispered, and he smirked.

"You only got this Elliot after we got married, because I didn't do anything special for you while we were dating." Elliot laughed, and his wife smacked his chest before she walked over to the table. She sat down and opened the bottle of wine.

"Well, romantic Elliot, would you mind coming over here so we can eat?" She asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Of course, my love."


2 Months Later

"How long do we have to wait?" Elliot asked, as his wife sat down on the bed beside him.

"10 minutes." She spoke, and he sighed as she placed his hand on her leg. He gently started to rub her leg, as they both waited for the ten minutes to be up. But just like any other time they were waiting for the test to be ready to be read, it was the longest ten minutes of their lives.

But eventually, the timer went off, and Olivia stood slowly. She grabbed her husband's hand, before drawing him quietly into the bathroom. She grabbed the test before sinking down on the floor next to the bathtub. Elliot sank down next to her before taking a shaky breath.

"If it's negative, we can look into adoption first," Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"After I get super drunk, right?" She questioned, and he nodded.

"After we both get super drunk. So, let's just read it." He breathed, as his wife slowly opened her hand. She didn't look at the test for a long moment, but as their eyes drifted to the test, tears sprung into their eyes.

Maybe their dream will actually become a reality this time.

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