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She laid face down on the cement, as her heart beat loudly in her ears. People were frantic around her, but she couldn't move her head because she didn't know what had happened. What had really happened to her to cause her to be motionless on her stomach, as people screamed orders.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" A soft voice questioned, as Abigail felt a soft hand rest on her back.

"Something happened." Abigail moaned, and the hand moved to the back of her head and her hair was moved a few times to see if their was any injury.

"Yeah, you were hit by a cab. But help is on the way. I'm going to roll you onto your back, okay? I want you to be able to breath. I'm going to keep you as still as possible." The voice spoke, and Abigail nodded. As she was rolled over onto her back, she was blinded by the sun light, but not for long because the woman who had been speaking to her blocked the sun.

"Who are you?" Abigail questioned, and the woman smiled awkwardly as she brushed blood matted hair from Abigail's forehead.

"I'm Olivia. I'm a detective." Olivia spoke, and she nodded.

"I'm Abigail. I can't feel my body." She whispered, and Olivia swallowed hard as she looked down the road to see if anyone had showed up to help, but instead they all stood around. Olivia was thankful that she was at the park with Noah and Nick when this happened, because then she could help Abigail.

"Don't think about it, okay? Wanna tell me more about you? Like how old you are?" Olivia questioned, because she didn't want to think about the worst. This girl might not ever walk again because a cab hit her, ran her over, and then drove away.

"I'm 15. I was just trying to get back home. God, my group home mom is going to be pissed." Abigail groaned, as she closed her eyes tightly.

"I'll talk to her, okay? Do you remember the address?" Olivia asked, and Abigail sighed.

"Yeah, uh, 2568 Oak Ave. Her name is Julia Michaelson." She breathed, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Okay, once the ambulance gets here, I'll go talk to her. I-" Olivia was going to finish her statement, but Noah called out from behind her, and Olivia quickly looked over her shoulder at her son.

"Noah, sweet boy, go back and stay with Nick." Olivia spoke quickly, but her son was already at her side, and looking down at the bloody girl at his mother's side.

"Momma, what's wrong with her?" Olivia questioned, and Abigail laughed painfully, but she thought the little boy was so damn cute, that she wanted to answer him herself.

"I add a small accident because I didn't look before I crossed the street. But with a Mom like the one you have, I'm sure you'll always look before you cross the street, right?" Abigail spoke, and Noah nodded quickly, as he knelt down without caring that he was in a puddle of blood.

"I promise." He spoke, as he leaned into his mother's side.

They talked as the sirens were finally heard, and Noah promise Abigail that she was going to be okay, and that he'd pray for her, which is something the girl never heard before.


Abigail's neck was broken, but she had been so shocked by what happened, that she couldn't move her body because so much was happening. But she had the metal halo thing on to kept her neck in place, and all she could do was watch TV and read with her arms stretched way out in front of her.

"Abigail, you have two visitors. Want me to send them in?" A nurse asked the day after the accident.

"Sure." She sighed in response. She expected to see her caseworker and Julia, but instead she saw Noah and Olivia.

"Uh, hey." Abigail spoke, as she shifted a tiny bit.

"Hi!" Noah exclaimed, as he held a small stuffed elephant in his arms.

"Hey Noah." Abigail smiled, but once the words left her mouth, she looked up at the small boy's mother, and swallowed hard.

"Olivia, what are you guys doing here?" She questioned, and Olivia sighed.

"This guy wouldn't stop annoying me unless I brought him here to see you. I hope you don't mind." She spoke, and Abigail nodded.

"It's completely fine. Uh, what's your elephant's name?" Abigail asked, and Noah quickly crossed floor and laid the elephant on Abigail's lap.

"Whatever you wanna name him! It's yours!" He exclaimed, a smile lighting up his face.

"Nah, you name him. I'm sure you can come up with the best name there is." 

Olivia stood by and watched as Abigail and Noah interacted together. Olivia didn't think that Noah would be so open with a girl he barely knew, but he was so talkative and even more bubbly around her.


Olivia and Noah went everyday to see Abigail. They brought her flowers the second time, and then would come up after Noah got out of school and Olivia got out of work, and they'd bring her dinner. They'd eat and talk, and eventually it became such a normal thing for all of them, that Olivia didn't know how she'd be able to live without that girl.

"Abby, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come home with Noah and me. Once you are released." Olivia spoke, as she covered a sleeping Noah up with his jacket.

"What?" Abby replied, as she ran her hand over her face, but kept the other one resting on Noah's hair.

"Would you want to be my foster daughter? Maybe even work towards adoption?" Olivia questioned weakly, because she was feeling a little awkward about asking this girl about this all.

"You really want me?" Abby asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Not only do I, but Noah does too. He may not show it..." Olivia trailed off with a smile. Abby and Olivia both knew that Noah just loved having Abby around, and he didn't do anything to hide it.

"Yeah." Abby breathed, and Olivia quickly blinked a few times before speaking.


"Yeah. I wanna be your daughter... uh foster daughter."

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