A Stabler and a Benson: Part Two

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Elliot's POV

I stood against the wall of my ex wife's house, as I waited for my older 4 kids to show up. 

"El, you know that you can come in." Kathy smiled softly, as she came out and stood next to me.

"I know, it just smells really good in there, and I might eat all the food you made." I laughed, and she chuckled.

I sat down and she sat down next to me on the stairs.

"Are you nervous?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"I guess I am. I'm nervous because he's our only kid that hasn't brought a girlfriend home for us to meet." I replied slowly, and Kathy nodded, but then touched my arm gently and smiled.

"Elliot, maybe he hasn't brought a girl home because he hasn't found the one yet. Maybe this girl is the one."

"We don't even know the girl's name." I groaned, as I leaned my head back against the wall, and she shrugged.

"Maybe because he didn't want us to judge her right away. Maybe she has a really stupid name." Kathy teased, and I rolled my eyes, as a car pulled into driveway. I stood and headed towards Maureen's car, and I waved at my three grandsons in the back and sighed.

I hope that this girl that Eli is dating will make him happy, and love him how he deserves.


All of the kids, and grandkids were there. We just had to wait for Eli to finally show up, and as usual, he was late.

I sat in the recliner that Kathy hadn't thrown away after the divorce, and I rocked my granddaughter, Karlie, when I heard Eli's truck make tons of noise in the driveway.

"Papa, Uncle Eli's here!" Karlie squealed, as she climbed off my lap, and I smiled before getting up and heading towards the door.

I opened it, and watched as my son helped his girlfriend from the car. Once she was on her feet, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently, before hugging her. She must be nervous too.

"Eli! Hurry up and get in here! Dickie is hungry and might eat the food." Kathy yelled, as she came up behind me, and then moved in front of me. I stepped back and looked at the kids.

"Alright, who wants to help me set the table?" I asked, and Maureen stood up and wrapped her arm around mine as we walked into the kitchen.

"Dad, what's wrong?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"Nothing is wrong, Mo." I replied, as I grabbed place mats for the counters, where the kids ate, and I started to sit them out.

"Are you nervous about meeting a woman who might be your future daughter in law?" She asked, and I shrugged again.

"I guess. He's also my youngest. Since the car accident, and almost losing him and your mother in the car accident, I kinda don't want to let him go."

"You let him join the Marines." She replied, and I sighed.

"Okay, please continue. I love arguing with my daughter." I sighed, and she smiled, before grabbing the stack of plates.


It was very hectic during dinner, and the only thing we found out about Eli's girlfriend, was that her name is Catherine. It took till after dinner, when the kids were inside watching cartoons, and all of my adult children, their spouses, and my ex wife and myself were outside with Eli and Catherine, to get any information about her.

"How old are you, Catherine?" Kathy asked, as she covered her legs up with a blanket.

"23." Catherine replied slowly, and she was very quiet and timid as she responded.

"You don't need to be scared. We don't bite all the time." Kathleen spoke, as she tried to break the ice with Catherine, but the girl just got paler and gave us a shaky smile.

"Uh, Kathleen bites, Catie, but not the rest of my family." Eli reassured her, and she smiled softly at him, and I saw love in her eyes. It was something I had in my own when I looked at my old partner, but I don't even know where she is anymore.

"What do you do for a living?" Kathy asked, and Catherine brightened at the question.

"I work for child and family services in DC." She replied, and then I decided to question her.

"Uh, do you have a family? Just wondering, since this one is huge." I spoke, awkwardly. My kids broke into laughter, but Catherine just smiled softly, before nodding. She didn't think I was that awkward.

"Yes, I have a family. I have a mother who is a detective, and a father who is a ADA. He is almost an DA which is awesome. I also have 10 year old sisters, Maggie and Mason." She spoke, and I nodded.

Eli looked at me, and I forced a smile, but he knew I was feeling something. I don't know if it was a feeling about who she was, or because I just didn't want my kid to get into something without us liking the girl.

"Elliot might know who your mother is. He was a detective for Manhattan SVU." Kathy smiled, and I wanted to smack her. Don't do that!

"Well, I believe that you do know her, Mr. Stabler." Catherine spoke, and I looked at her completely surprised.

"Really?" I mused, and she nodded.

"Yeah. Well, my father is David Haden. And my mother is Olivia Benson."


I left the backyard, and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a beer and drank from it slowly, as all kinds of emotions rushed through me. That girl who loves my son, is the daughter of the woman I love. Could she be mine? Is there an actual possibility?

"She's younger than Eli, but Liv would've been pregnant when the accident happened." Kathy spoke, as she came up and stood next to me, and I nodded slowly.

"That would be awkward otherwise." I mumbled, and she laughed.

"Maybe this is your chance to see her again. She was your best friend." Kathy spoke, and I nodded again.

"I'm going to ask Eli if we can have dinner with him and Catie before they leave tomorrow. I want to meet her family, but lets pretend its not for the reason you and I both know."

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