Quiet Nights

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They were quiet as the sunset and the sky was painted with reds, pinks, oranges, and yellows. Elliot looked over at his wife and smiled softly.

"How are you feeling, Liv?" He questioned and she sighed softly.

"I'm feeling better than I have in some time," Olivia spoke. She reached over and grabbed his hand as she shifted a bit on the hood of their car. Elliot reached over and gently caressed her cheek before speaking quietly.

"Everything will be back to normal before you know it. The wound will heal and so will our hearts." Elliot breathed quietly. 

"I tried so hard to protect that little girl. I was probably beyond stupid to run in front of that man when he was shooting, but I still couldn't save her." Olivia sighed. She pushed herself up before running her hands through her hair.

"You know, we can always look into adoption again or even see if we can have a baby together," Elliot spoke. Olivia looked at him before motioning out over the city.

"Elliot, this city is full of criminals and people who prey on children. I don't want to bring a child into this world. Into this city. All I want is to help and take care of the children that are out on the streets or who are getting hurt in the system. I know that you and I would make beautiful babies, but not yet. Not until we can figure everything else out." Olivia spoke. She stood up and walked over to the fence before leaning against it.

"I guess we won't be having any more quiet nights like this if we have kids running around." Elliot laughed softly.

"So? We love kids and we are going to be amazing parents. Like the best parents a kid could ask for." Olivia spoke. She turned around and Elliot walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist. He drew her close and pressed firm kisses to her lips.


Even if Olivia had been shot while protecting a child that she had an attachment too, that didn't stop her from wanting to adopt and foster. And Elliot was along for the ride because he absolutely loves his wife and couldn't wait to be a father. They went through hours of paperwork and several home visits before anything happened. Before Olivia and Elliot finally got a foster child.

"Alright, so she's 13 and her name is Gracelyn," Olivia spoke, as she and Elliot made the girl's bed in her bedroom.

"I guess that when we checked the box about being able to take any aged child, they really took that to heart," Elliot spoke, and Olivia laughed softly before nodding.

"Yes, but if she's in need then we can help," Olivia spoke. She placed the pillow at the top of the bed before going over and grabbing a small stuffed bear and held it in her hands for a moment.

"Is this too childish for a 13-year-old? She probably hasn't been a child for years." Olivia sighed.

"Give her an option. Have it on the bed, and if she doesn't want it she'll put it somewhere else." Elliot spoke. Olivia nodded slowly before sitting the bear on the bed before smoothing the sheets a bit more.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Olivia mused as she turned to look at him.

"Probably hard at first but we will get used to having a teenager running around. Maybe she'll be a fit from the start. That we will know from the beginning that she's ours." Elliot spoke. Olivia nodded before stepping over to him and kissing him deeply.

"She'll be here soon, but an hour is an hour." She breathed as she ran her hands over his chest.

"You know we won't have quiet nights anymore since there is gonna be another person living here," Elliot smirked.


Gracelyn was a very rebellious girl. She fought everything that Olivia and Elliot did, but it was because deep down she was dealing with a lot of adult things. Olivia and Elliot worked together to make sure that she went to therapy and that she got involved in school. Gracelyn started doing sports and slowly she came out of her shell and worked through her problems.

"How should we tell her?" Olivia asked quietly, as she and Elliot cleaned up after dinner. Gracelyn was in her room talking to one of her friends for a half-hour before doing her homework and then chores.

"Uh, I was thinking we could take her to the lookout," Elliot spoke. Olivia looked at him and smiled.

"Okay well how about this weekend? We will have the all-clear on Friday and then Saturday we can hang out in town and then have dinner at the lookout. Then we tell her." Olivia spoke. She smiled at her husband as she saw that his eyes were sparkling. They were both so excited to adopt Gracelyn and to be parents officially.

"Liv?" Gracelyn questioned, as she ran into the kitchen and looked at her foster parents.

"Yes, honey?" Olivia replied.

"One of my class projects is about a family tree. I don't know anything about my biological family, so I was wondering if I could use you and Elliot for it? All you'd two would need to do is sit down with me and tell me about your family." 

"When is it due?" Olivia asked.

"Monday," Gracelyn replied.

"We will work on it on Saturday then. But yes, you can use our families." Olivia smiled.


Saturday came and they went into town and shopped. Then they took Gracelyn up to the lookout for a picnic. After eating, Olivia looked at the girl before smiling softly.

"Now, we want to give you all the information about your family as we possibly can," Olivia spoke.

"You mean your guys' family. I don't have a family." Gracelyn spoke. Olivia reached out and brushed a reddish-brown curl away from the girl's face before smiling.

"We are going to adopt you, Gracie. So what we are going to tell you is apart of your family too." Olivia grinned. The girl's eyes went wide when she looked between her foster parents.


"Really." Olivia smiled.

They all hugged before laying down side by side on the blanket as they watched as the sunset. But this time Elliot and Olivia could take in the colors of the sunset with their daughter.

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