never [e]

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word count: 665 words

[24th august 2017]

for as long as you could remember, you've wanted to get married and live with your husband forever. it was like a dream to you. ever since you were a kid right up to your teen years, you've had this as an end goal. it wasn't until you were old enough to truly realise that marriage wasn't always the fun and magical experience you've made it out to be. yeah, marriage, in a sense, is a magical experience in itself but how do you live with someone for the rest of your life? how do you not get bored of them? how do they not get bored of you? that's what scared you.

you saw your parents marriage and how it didn't end up working out because your dad claimed that he fell out of love with your mum. what if that happens to you? you didn't have the heart to go through that and you saw how distraught and upset your mum got.

you were currently answering questions for a q&a for your youtube channel. ethan was out of frame and laying on your bed, playing on his phone and occasionally watching you film.

"this next question is: do you ever see yourself getting married?" you said loudly. ethan perked up and discretely watched you as you filmed. a smile pulled at his lips as he imagined what your answer would be. "if i'm being honest? no. i don't because i don't know if i'd be able to deal with such a huge commitment like that."

ethan stared at you sadly, his eyebrows furrowing. he began to wonder if it was because of him that you had this kind of answer so he decided to listen to your reasoning.

"not because i can't stay with one person. nothing like that. i'm not a cheater. i've seen marriages not work out and i've seen how much it affects people. what if he gets bored of me? what if my partner falls out of love with me?" you said quietly, refusing to look at ethan. this is the first time he's heard you speak about these concerns and he felt sad that these were what you were worried about. "alright, next question..."

ethan zoned out for the rest of your filming and went downstairs to eat food. after 20 minutes, you were finished and went to join him and saw him sitting alone at the dining table.

"hey." you said and began to make yourself a sandwich. he nodded and looked down at his phone, not responding to you. you sighed and sat next to him, knowing why he was acting like this.

"what?" he shrugged and spoke with a mouthful of food.

"babe, it wasn't my intention to hurt you." you said honestly, resting a hand on his shoulder. he swallowed his food and turned to face you.

"i know but answer me truthfully. do you see yourself getting married to me?" ethan said, holding his breath as he waited for your response. you bit your lip and looked away.

"i do but i'm scared if it won't work out. ethan, i can't go through that." you said worriedly, resting your palm on your cheek. he smiled at you, feeling slightly better because of your response. he put a hand on your knee making you look at him.

"trust me when i say that i will never fall out of love with you or get bored of you. i don't know what the future hold for us but as of now, i'm yours forever." he said making butterflies erupt in your stomach. a smile crept up on your face and you hugged him tightly.

there was obviously still a bit of fear within you as you still didn't know if you and ethan would work out as a married couple but you decided to ignore it. why worry about the future when you can embrace the present?

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