Merlin- Mistletoe

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A/n I am sorry for being so inactive this month, but December is both a hard and busy time for me. I hope that all of you who are taking exams have done well and for those of you who celebrate it I wish you a very merry christmas. - madfangirl37 xxx

"What are you doing?" Pure confusion was laced into Merlin's tone as I skipped across my chambers, holly berries in hand.

"Getting into the festive spirit." I chided, happily humming as I placed the berries on either side of my nightstand.

"With berries?" I could practically hear the frown on Merlin's features from his place by the door. I sighed, turning my head so I could look him in the eye gesturing for him to come help me.

"Think about it," I spoke softly once I knew Merlin was standing behind me. "People starving in the blistering cold and holly berries being the only edible thing within thousands of miles. Being so thankful of the berry that once you are home you hang it as a testament to the fact that it kept you alive."

"That really happened?" His voice was so steel shocked, so awed by my words that his mouth hung open as I turned my head to look at him giggles escaping from my lips.

"No of course that did not happen, I just really like holly berries." A grin engulfed my lips, my once sole expression taken over as I laughed.

Merlin rolled his eyes as I continued to laugh, the look on his face too entertaining not to laugh at.

"You are something special." I winked at the boy as those words left his lips, slowly taking steps towards him until my arms were wrapped around his neck and his hands were settled onto my waist.

"I have to be special, I am with you am I not?" I gasped mockingly along with Merlin, my mind predicting his reaction to his words.

"It is a darn good thing I love you." I grinned, an overwhelming amount of happiness seeping up from my stomach into my chest, as I leant forward teasingly hardly noticing him removing a hand from my waist.

Just as I was about to press my lips against his I looked up to his hand holding mistletoe above us. Rolling my eyes and shaking my head I rested my eyes on Merlin, a loving smile placed on my lips.

"Oh I wonder how that got there." I teased, my lips stuck upwards in the gesture known as a smile.

"Beats me," Merlin shrugged slowly leaning downwards brushing his lips against mine. "But we have to obey the law of mistletoe."

"Do we now?" I whispered, fairly certain that my words mushed into one as being this close to Merlin set my insides into a frenzy of desire.

Merlin spoke something resembling a yes but I would never know what he said as his lips were pushed against mine, making his phrase unrecognisable.

Merlin imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now