Arthur- stop

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"Arthur, stop!" I cried as he moved to straddle my waist, his fingers tickling my ribs. Laughing uncontrollably I thrashed around from side to side, my arms failing around.
"Never!" He cries back and I groan as my chest aches from laughter.
"Please!" I choke out and he sighs rolling off me. My chest rises and falls heavily for a few seconds before I roll on top of him. I move my legs so now I am the one straddling his waist and I grin down at him.
"You do realise that I am not ticklish?" He questions and I nod grinning wider. I lean down so my chest is pressed up against his and my lips lightly graze the base of his throat. I repeat the motion harder this time, lightly sucking on the skin. He laughs nervously when I stop, sitting back up. "You are going to be the death of me."
"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrow as he sits up his arms wrap around my middle holding me to him. The only place I want to be.
"Really." He coos. I chuckle leaning my forehead against his. He kisses my nose I pout kissing his nice back.
"I love you Arthur." I whisper and he grins at my words.
"I love you more." He replies and I shake my head smiling.
"Not possible." I whisper and he sighs. I kiss his lips gently before pulling away. "I love you." I whisper again and he smiles even wider.
"I will never get tired of hearing you say those words to me." He whispers oh so sexily and I kiss his cheek.
"Guess I should not stop?" I smile slyly and he shakes his head.
"Never stop."

Merlin imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now