Mordred- Forgive and Forget

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A/n TBH I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this, but I am going to post it anyway.

Dearest Mother, 

Nothing has been the same and it will be never be the same again. Mordred ruined everything that night, everything from my love to my trust. 

Despite time passing and the pair of us growing older, I have not forgiven him, and I do not see me doing so in the near future, but I have also forgotten. 

I have forgotten the source of my anger, anguish and anxiety, as if there were no source at all. And sometimes I found myself wondering just that, maybe Mordred did nothing wrong all those years ago maybe all my pain is just a figment of my own imagination. 

He tries daily to make amends, and I know that I am being overly harsh in ignoring him but whenever I see his face memories flash in my mind memories I wish I could forget. 

When I see him I see father with his cane, standing over me with his menacing glare, and I see glass shards that father would use to carve into my skin. 

I know what you would say to me. You would scold me for being so silly and petty, but you are not here. You're with father in a place this letter will not reach, a place in which I cannot visit you until I pass. 

I should talk to him, shouldn't I? I do long for everything to be simple once more. 

Forgive and forget, like you always used to say. 

I am sorry for failing you mother. 

All my love, 


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