Merlin- thoughts (for merlins_khlaseeie)

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A/n holy crap guys we have 12k reads! This is truly amazing!! I am so thankful for every vote and comment!

I sighed heavily, my chest rising and falling significantly. Merlins fingers entangled themselves in my hair as I re-positioned myself on his chest so I could look up at his gorgeous face. The grass below us tickled my back where it was bare but I didn't mind. I enjoyed the feeling. My thoughts were a tangled mess before Merlin interrupted them by whispering.

"What you thinking about?" His face so quizzical made my insides melt as I looked at him. It was unbearable so I leant forward gently pressing my lips against his, in a soft caress. I could feel him smiling against my lips as we kissed and his hand cupped the back of my head to hold me to him. Not that he needed to, I was certain I wouldn't be leaving him anytime soon.

"How we met." I replied, leaning my forehead against his. I could see every speck of colour in his eyes and all the different shades. It is like seeing a bare soul before my eyes.

"I remember that day." He says rather thoughtfully moving to a sitting position as I stand the memories flooding back.


Although my upbringing isn't the best, I consider myself to be extremely lucky. To start my childhood was horrible but then Uther found myself and my sister Morgana and life vastly improved. Now the Prince is my most valued friend even though he can be a prat at times.

Lost in my thoughts I just kept aimlessly walking through the market, stupidly not watching where I was going and I bumped straight into a hard chest. I looked up at the man or rather boy in front of me. His hair was dark and it curled slightly at the ends but his smile was bright as was his eyes.

"I do apologise." I formally said my voice breathless.

"No need, my fault completely." He smiles at me once more before moving away leaving me  alone in the market square.

Flashback end

As I ran my fingers through the tall grass I could feel Merlin watching me as I called to him.

"I fell in love with you that day." I stated turning to face him, my hair along with my dress swishing around me.

"Not me," he shakes his head smiling up at me. "I fell in love with you when I saw you at the banquet." He states and I laugh shaking my head.

"Only you could do that."


"There," Gwen states moving away looking proudly at her work. Being the fantastic person she is, she plaited my hair in two braids down the side of my head. "Just one last touch." She added the bejewelled necklace into my hair. "Won't you have all the men falling for you." She teased winking at me through the mirror.

"Oh Gwen you know I'm not looking for that." I lied for my heart only wanted one thing and that was the boy from the market. Word in the street is that he challenged Arthur. Oh how I wished I would have seen that. A bell rang through the castle signalling the start of the feast and I rose from my chair following Gwen to the hall.

The great doors opened revealing the royal guests  as myself, Morgana, Arthur and Uther waked through. My eyes scanned across the room when they found the most stunning pair of eyes I have ever seen. Sure enough it belonged to the boy from the market. I took a step forward and lost my footing, tripping on my dress. I fell face forward, truly embarrassed  when several knights helped me up. Red faced I looked around the room again only to find him again. He didn't seem shocked or put off, in fact he was smiling widely at me making my knees weak.

Flashback end

I kneeled in front of Merlin who had that smile smile on his face.

"That was truly embarrassing." I confessed hiding my face in my hands. My hands were gently pulled down and entwined with merlins.

"It was beautiful." He whispered gently. I looked up locking eyes with him, a smile tugging at my lips.

"You like anything I do." I whisper as he leaned forward slightly our noses brushing together.

"No." He whispered pecking my lips before reply locking eyes once again with mine.

"I love everything you do."

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