Gwaine- Change

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Being in love with a knight of Camelot has its perks. You get to meet the king, the pay is well and you see all the muscles. Then there is being in love with Gwaine.
"EMBER!" Shouts Gwaine sitting at our table with an apple in each hand.
"Yes?" I ask popping my head round the door to our kitchen.
"IVE GOT AN IMPORTANT oh you are right there." He finishes and I rub my sore ears.
"What is so important that you could not stand and walk over to me to ask?" I ask impatiently.
"Which Apple? Red or green?" He holds the apples out and I sigh in frustration. Angrily I walk away grabbing the cloth that was lying on the floor.
"What is the matter?" He asks standing placing the apples on the table.
"This!" I say pushing the dirty cloth towards him. He looks at me confused and I push all my anger into me next words. "You leave dirty clothes, cloths and chainmail lying around for me to clean. I spend all day waiting for you to come home and when you do it is after you have been to the tavern!" I throw the cloth at his chest which he catches. "I am always wondering wether you are safe and this is how you treat me afterwards?" I finish my rant panting. He eyes stare into mine clueless and I burst from anger. I storm over to the cabinets and throw pots and pans towards him. I break bowls and glasses throwing them at them. I hold the last bowl which my mother made me and I let loose a sob. I fall to the floor ignoring the sharp things that pierce my skin and the bowl shatters. Gwaine rushes to my side and pulls me up. Supporting my arms he hold me to his chest while I cry. I sob and sob until my chest cannot bear any more and I break away. "I am still mad." I mumble wiping away a tear.
"I know sweetheart and I know that I do not do enough around here and I am truly sorry for that but why the tears? You are so strong, you are my rock and you hardly crack open." He says brushing a hair away that had stuck to my cheek.
"A message came from my relatives." I softly say. "My mother died." Pain for me strikes across his face and he hugs me. I pull away and starting picking up the pieces of the cracked bowls. I feel his gaze upon me but I dare not look his way.
"What else?" He murmurs barley audible. I look down to the tiny bump where my usually flat stomach is.
"I am pregnant." I blurt out daring to look at his face. Shock, fear then happiness flash across his face but then anger comes quickly onto his features.
"Why did you not tell me?" He says puncturing each word. I gulp and despite my love for him fear trickles through me.
"Gauis only told me yesterday." I nervously state.
"Why not tell me then?" His voice raises slightly.
"You came home drunk! What else was I supposed to do?" I shout towards him needing him to feel my fear.
"So it is my fault?" He accuses. I open my mouth but before I do he leaves shaking his head slamming the door behind him. Tearful I clean away the mess and wait for him to come back.
It's dark outside for nightfall came hours ago and Gwaine still has not come back. I nervously wring my hands together when the front door opens. I turn to see Gwaine coming through the door.
"Why were you out so late?" I ask softly as he places his coat on the back of a chair.
"The fact that I might have to become responsible. The fact that I cannot decide on simple things let alone things that will affect another life. The fact that we are going to have a little version of us around so I cannot stay out late at the tavern." He finishes then flopping himself onto a chair.
"Yes you may have to become responsible but not completely because that is not you. Just because we are going to be parents should not change who you are. I fell in love with YOU, not anyone else. I happen to like you and I do not want you to change." I place my hand on top of his and he strokes the top of it with the pad of his thumb.
"Thank you." He softly says and I smile gently as he pulls me to my feet wrapping his arms around my waist swaying slightly. "I am still falling you know." He says then kissing my forehead. "I am still falling in love with you everyday I see your beautiful face or your smile." I blush and place a gentle kiss to his lips. "You did not answer my question earlier by the way." He adds. "Which Apple should I eat?" He persists and I sigh into his chest.
"Oh Gwaine, do not ever change."

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