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When I return to New York City, go to my apartment and put my suitcase down at the entrance, I know somethings wrong.

There is tension sifting in the air. I can feel there is people in here. There is only a month left until I graduate my program in the FBI, I can see somethings wrong.

I try to act like I am oblivious to it as I kick my suitcase in to the apartment then glance at the kitchen. My knife stand usually sits on the bar near the door and it has moved to the farther side of the kitchen.

Someones in here and they know who I am. This is not a robbery or anything, this is a home invasion to attack me.

I need to think quick. I grab the small pen from the small desk where I put my keys. I shove it in my back pocket. It was a gift that Louis gave me one day, a fountain pen. I don't know what the fuck I am gonna do with the pen but there is nothing else near me that I can grab.

"Who ever you are come out!" I yell into the apartment. I know somethings in here.

Footsteps come to my ears and I prepare myself to the person thats going to unveil themselves to me seconds later.

Its Logan.

He is wearing a suit, all dressed up like a normal day.

"Oh fuck! You scared me!" I take a deep breathe and I start to walk towards him, about to ask him what he did in my absence when four armed men with bullet proof vests jump into sight from various corners of my apartment and Logan tells them to calm.

"What is going on Logan?" I ask. I am dumbfounded. There is a voice in my gut telling me this is a trap, that Logan is actually against me but I shut her down and wait for Logan to explain.

Maybe someones after me and he is trying to protect me. Maybe this is all for protection. He can't possibly be here for me.

"You know I thought you were better than this. Smarter first of all." He starts to talk. I can't put the pieces together.

"What are you talking about?" I wish I had a gun right now. Especially with four cop killers that are known for piercing bullet proof vests are being pointed at me.

"Tell them to stop! What are you doing?!" I yell this time. Logan smirks. This man has been in my bed for months, what is he doing?

"You don't get it? Still?" He mocks me. My hands start shaking as the odd memory with the name Logan pops in my head. It was the day I ran away then passed out on the street and Louis found me.

"For fucks sake she isn't a mole!" Louis yells to someone on the phone. I feel sheets under my skin and a pillow under my head.

"No, no, no, no. Its Harry and I knew it. I knew it! Put me on Logan... Ah yes my dear... Yes Logan I am afraid to tell you I was correct... Yes... No she is no mole! Why does everyone say that! Yes I am sure. Why? Well because we found her on the corner of 7th street connecting 8 and she was passed out, drenched laying on the pavement. Harry... Yes... He spoke to me... Yes me and Albert found her passed out. No... She ran 32 and a half kilometers I'll give her that. Yes... We will part them if necessary... Good day Logan." with that he ends the long chat. I ran 32 kilometers? I remember running but for like maybe for an hour? The last thing I remember is rain than its black.

That day. Louis was reporting to Logan...

Oh my fucking god! Logan is Louis' boss. Louis told me his boss wanted us dead but Louis let us get away. His boss never got what he wanted, until today.

"You are not FBI." I blurt. Logan laughs as if he made a discovery.

"Ah yes, I am no fucking agent. FBI's background checks can be altered." He smirks. This was a trap. He is here to kill me.

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