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Its Thursday morning and me and Harry are in central park, having breakfast on the grass.

"Catch it!" He yells and throws a raspberry my way. I jump and open my mouth but I miss it and it falls on the ground.

"You suck!" He yells back and I start giggling as I grab a strawberry and throw it at him. He ducks and dodges the berry, laughing uncontrollably.

"Yo! Chill! Don't throw berries at me!" He yells holding his hands up. He then stops and we share a gaze, only to start laughing again.

"Take a picture with me. You look so cute in your pink hat!" He says and bites his sandwich.

"Its a snapback! Whats up with pictures lately?" I ask as he scoots closer and hands me his phone to take a selfie. I have to wait for him to swallow his ginormous bite.

"I love you and you're very beautiful so I wanna take pictures of us. We need something to show at your Grammy's!" He jokes and I lightly kick him for mocking my singing. I ain't gonna win a Grammy but its still annoying.

We do take the picture nonetheless.

"What are we doing potato?" I ask Harry and he makes a surprised face that makes me laugh hard. He then puts his finger on his chin and thinks.

"Wanna do museums?" He asks vigorously shaking his eyebrows. I mean we can do that but I am not really up for walking that much.

"Its gonna cost a lot and I don't really want to!" I say and pout, he nods in agreement and stuffs the rest of his ham sandwich in his mouth.

"We can walk down 5th Av. I can show you the flat iron building. Then we can eat at Shake Shack on Madison Square Park?" He asks and I nod.

So we get our stuff and throw the bags away, then hold hands and start walking down Central Park towards downtown. Todays its rather cold so we are wearing long sleeves and coincidently we are both wearing grey.

I thought that we would never be that couple... The one that wears each other names or matching outfits but we have.

He talks to me about his teenage years in NYC and how he used to sneak out the dorms to watch the Philharmonic Orchestra when it had free concerts. How he spent his junior-senior year summer here because he was fighting with his step dad and how he sneaked into the dorms at night to sleep and how he had the summer of his life.

He talks to me about the girls she brought to the big lake in Central Park but how none of them looked like me. He tells me how much he loves me and how much he misses New York.

He then tells me how much he adores me and in the middle of all of this, we walk past people who stare and I can't seem to care. He is so caught up in what he is talking about, he doesn't realize anything and I am too caught up in him, we walk all the way down and we reach midtown already.

We then walk past the big Apple store and get right on 5th Av. We walk down the huge street, pass Michael Kors and Macy's. We stop in front of Tiffany's. Its the Tiffany's, Breakfast at Tiffany's was shot.

"Wanna go inside?" He asks me and I nod. When we do, the jewelry doesn't really interest me. The fact that its the exact same as the movie strikes me and I am speechless, looking around.

"Wanna get something engraved?" He jokes and I lightly giggle.

"Nothing bad ever happens at Tiffany's" I joke back, quoting the movie and we both laugh.

I look to my right and a diamond, as big as my palm is attached to a chain, shinning. Its so beautiful. I know I will never have to power to buy that but looking at it gives me happiness.

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