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Its 14:38 and I am on the corner of 78th and 4th. I parked my car a few blocks back and ran here.

The car arrives as told and I slowly get in. Gabriel is at the back seat like usual and I take the seat beside him, as usual.

"Last one huh?" He asks and I nod. If I didn't know him, I could have thought that he is sad or something.

"You are finally getting rid of me." I smile and he chuckles. He is wearing his usual suit, his smug expression on his face as usual. How is he so young doing this job?

"You know the deal Skyler." He warns me sternly. He always tries to be professional but we are past that.

"You'll be sending me to prison and I will be there until I turn 18. How can I fucking forget?" I snarl but smile to make him know that there is no bad blood. There really isn't. I learned to accept that shit will always happen to me.

"You have a way out. Our deal is open for some-" I stop him as I tie my hair up.

"I am not gonna take Louis down. For fucks sake, I won't." The car accelerates as it approaches an outer part of town. The windows are tainted so people can't see inside but the license plate is not special so we wait in traffic for a while that is caused by snow.

"You remember our deal too. The only reason I am here this calm is because I know you are looking after Rose and-" I gulp. I don't want to know about Harry.

"I got that covered." He takes out his phone and looks at it for awhile, "Rose is at a supermarket right now with Reyna and-" I stop him. I can't hear that, not now.

"Stop." I say as Gabriel's eyes go wide. He must know we broke up, why is he so fucking surprised looking at his god damn phone.

"We still protect him you know." He finishes as he stuff his phone in his pocket. I want to ask why was he surprised but decide to shut the fuck up.

"I know. Please continue to." My voice cracks and the deep desperation behind it is shown.

"I can tell you where he is or whats the last thing he bought-" Gabriel's eyes go wide again as he looks at his phone that he took out just to mock me. I look away. The curiosity is killing me.

"I don't want to know." He gasps "Would you please just stop that!" This time my voice is high and he nods.

"You need to focus on the mission." He changes the subject and I look out from the window. Its a painfully beautiful today and I feel like I need to share it with someone.

"Good hopes for 2015?" Gabriel nudges my shoulder.

"Yep. Hopefully I'll become a rich pot dealer." I laugh and Gabriel joins in. He is too sharp and probably too experienced to know thats impossible.


"Its done?" I ask as Gabriel approaches me in his bulletproof vest, an automatic in his hand.

"Yeah." He takes his mask off. The FBI just ambushed the Rhino cartel and my job here is done.

"Skyler, there is no other drug ring except Louis in Seattle thanks to you." Gabriel talks fast as two or three guys run past us that are carrying the dead or injured members.

"Where am I supposed to find my coke now?" I laugh the stress off. He is going to arrest me in a few moments.

"Yeah you kinda screwed yourself there." He laughs sternly and looks around before leaning down and whispering.

"I am going to take my handcuffs out to arrest you in a moment but before that I will go and talk to officer Tally and I will have my back against the exit door which leads to a back alley." He winks at me and walks away slowly.

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