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"Harry!" I yell again as he steps onto the street, leaving me alone on the sand. I am drunk so keeping up with my steps is hard enough, trying to walk towards Harry is almost impossible. On the other hand, Harry is drunk too. He does not know the area as much as me, he still gets lost sometimes. Considering he drank half a tequila bottle, his navigation can't be any better if not gone completely. What if he gets on the street and gets hit by a car?

"Harry! Please just stop please!" My yell comes out like a cry. I feel like I am walking on all fours and my head is spinning. I can't concentrate on anything and I am genuinely scared that a car will hit us.

I run with every power I have left in my limbs, trying to get ahold of him. He crosses the road and I do too, holding my breathe. I don't know why but I have this fear of getting hit by car tonight out of nowhere.

"Harry!" My lungs explode in my chest as I yell his name again. This time the agony in my voice is enough to stop him. I can't process things as they happen and everything is in slow motion as I move towards him, breathing heavily.

"Harry, please don't walk away from me. I can't have you leave me too please. I am sorry for saying those things. I am no Einstein Harry, sometimes I fuck shit up. I know I am a piece of shit and I am no good for anything. I am a useless member of society and I hate life which makes everyone around me feel bad about there lives but I can't help it. I can't help that I am not good enough for you. I know that okay. I will never be good enough for anyone. Just please don't leave me please. Just please. I can't deal with it. I can't cope if the only person who cares, leaves. Please Harry. I will give you everything I can, please don't leave me." I beg with every piece of emotion I have left in my old soul. He stops and looks down. His next move can change my life. His next decision is so important.

"I won't leave." he finally blurts and I start crying. I can't even feel embarrassed for crying because I need to cry this time. If I don't, I am going to go mental. I need to steam off more often than more people and with Harry, its usually by crying. He brings out the raw emotions in me and I can't decide if I hate it or love it. Harry hugs me suddenly and buries me in his chest. The combination of his scent and tequila is deadly, yet addicting. I can only describe it by linking it to being high. Its a unique sensation that I am drawn to.

"You deserve more than you think Jackson." Harry whispers into my hair as I let my last tear go. I know me and I know what I am. I also know who Harry is and we are definitely not the same.

"Sky?" I suddenly hear behind me and all the hair on my body rise. My stomach turns as I slowly let Harry go and turn to the sound, as slow as a sunflower rotating to the sun.

"Liam?" I ask as widen my eyes in shock. He is standing in front of me, wearing his charming grin. He has a small stubble on his jaw and his hair is now shorter.

He hugs me and I don't know how to feel about this. We never officially broke up but I don't have feelings for him at the moment. I am sure he doesn't too and this is awkward. Harry is standing behind me, observing the situation carefully, not interfering.

"Are you drunk?" Liam asks when he lets me go. He knows me too well. On one hand, if you have to blame one person for all my bad habits, all my knowledge about being a thief, streets, illegal stuff and my guarded nature its Liam. One the other, if I hadn't met him, I would either be murdered or caught by cops a lot of time ago. Or I would just starve out.

"Uhm- Liam this is Harry?" I drift the subject away from my drinking. Liam never gets drunk nor even drinks. He likes getting people drunk but he never drinks anything other than one beer or water at all the parties he took me. He says he gets drunk really hard anyway.

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