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Its January 6th when I arrive at my correctional facility. The judge convicted me with time until I am 18 since I was only charged with assault as a minor. It was obvious Gabriel had a say in that. I am glad he was the one to pick me up from that precinct that day. He is a good man.

They came to me the night I had sex with Jordan. They broke the door, woke everyone up and had me down on the floor, handcuffed when Jordan woke up. He was mortified.

I told him to talk to Rose and tell her I'll be back soon. I don't think he knows who Rose is but I get a feeling Gabriel will look out for her when I am here.

They took me to the facility which is just outside Seattle in my orange two piece and its nothing like OITNB. I haven't digested the whole thing yet and I knew this was coming so I am the chillest one in the van.

There is a girl thats constantly twitching and a drug addict with eyes that are as black as charcoal. Everyone here are girls and under 18. How bad can this be?


My question is answered after I go through a blood, pee and vaginal examination. At least I know I am not pregnant.

There is only one girl I share a bunk with in a small room thats painted white from head to toe. It looks miserable.

I put my toothbrush and flip flops on my miserable bed and sit on it. Waiting for her to say something. She has coarse black hair, cut short like a boy but still curly, brown eyes and a deep frown.

I don't say anything and instead lay back on the bed and sigh. Its been a long day. I was arrested. When I get out, I will be free of all charges though. Gabriel erased my record for the murders and drug possession, at least the cops copy of my records. I am pretty sure the FBI still knows every fuck I did.

I will be the legal guardian of Rose when I get out, live at the adoption home they are currently building. I will help people, be happy. Everything will be okay. I just need to figure out a way to earn money.

"You are awfully ugly." The mystery girl speaks. I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice she was staring.

"Okay." I don't know what else to say. I don't want any trouble here. Many people start passing our open door and she gets up too.

Without a word, she leaves the room. What? Its 13:49, can it be lunch?

Its lunch. If you call a mush of unknown meat and an apple lunch. I leave my food untouched as I sit at the very back, alone in the cafeteria and start to bite into my apple as I watch the girls here.

There are very little ones, maybe 8 or 10. There are big ones, fat ones, skinny ones, tall ones, short ones, blonde ones, brunette ones, african american ones, hispanic ones, asian ones, light skin ones, there are maybe a hundred girls from everywhere here. None of them actually look dangerous, except the ones with the tattoos.

They are mostly quiet, especially the little ones, the older ones talk loudly and laugh, joke around and some even kiss. They are mostly shouted at from the guards.

Just as I start to watch my roommate a girl slams her hands onto my desk and makes me jump.

"Holy shit!" I say as I put a hand over my chest. That just scared the hell out of me.

Suddenly, everyone in the cafeteria turns and stares at me, everyone except my roommate.

"Listen here you lil punk!" She has an Italian accent and I feel as if I am in a movie, being kidnapped by the Italian mob. I really need to start taking this seriously so I bite down my bottom lip, trying to hold in my giggles. I feel as if this a dream, everything's a lie and I will wake up any moment.

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