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"What the fuck are you doing?" I yell at him as I walk towards him.

"We don't leave until we figure this out!" He yells back. His eyes are small compared to my blazing ones. He is also calm next to my fidgeting and throwing death glares.

How could he do this? Once again, I find myself lied to, used and I feel like I am worth nothing once again. How blind was I? How stupid am I?

"I have to go to work!" I scream. I don't think I will be coming in today after all this  but my apartment seems so small and I need to get out.

"No you don't. Since you are screwing your boss he'll give you some slack." His words pierce my already bruised skin and they sunk into my chest.

"Are you saying I get special credit because I slept with my boss?! Harry how fucking dare you?" I want to sound angry, I need to let out this tension inside of me. Its like, there is this huge pot with water inside of me. Every time I get angry, get really sad, have fights with Harry like this someone turns the heat on.

Prior to this day, the pot only hot so hot that you needed to lift the top off to stop the spilling and I managed turn the heat off by either running or sex. Now, this minute, boiling hot water gushes out of this pot, leaving blisters all over my insides with unmerciful pain, making it feel like heinous knifes are stuck into my chest repeatedly.

His betrayal makes me question every luscious moment we had together. Every, nice memory I have with him seems fake and even worse, the way I gave everything to him now makes me feel empty.

Before I learned that he left me and lied to me to get married to someone else, I somehow felt like my memories with him was pure, sacred and cherished in his heart. Now, I know they meant nothing to him when they were my world and honestly, I feel unbelievably condemned.

"Fuck! I am sorry! Skyler just please, let me explain it to you!" He changes in my eyes. The adoration I have for him chips at the ends. The gaping whole in my chest only makes thing worse.

"Harry... I can get out of here with or without your help. I can get that key from you." I am in training to be a FBI agent, I can have him on the floor without breaking a sweat.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me? I know you won't. Skyler, I am sorry. Just please for fucks sake! After all these, I think you owe me a chance to explain." He talks as if everything we had wasn't a massive lie that I believed and built my life upon.

Harry's POV

"No! You don't get an explanation! Why? Why did you hold up that lie for so long? Why did you lie to my face for months. I could have dealt with being a rebound if you told me the first time. You should have let me walk away from your life when I tried to!" Skyler screams at me. She is trying to be angry but the tears on her cheeks give her away.

"What?! I never lied to you about my feelings and you were never, ever a rebound. How could you say that? Is this whats that all about? You think I loved Alli all along?" I figure out what her mind is running towards.

Sky never fails to assume the worst. Suddenly, she connected the dots and thinks I cheated her all along and that I never got over Allison. Thats not the case however did I gave her another choice to assume anything else?

"So you just out of the blue decided to leave me when everything was fine? Oh wait! It was better than fine, I told I would marry you! Something we fought about so much over! I told you that and you just left! What I am thinking is everything got too serious and you had to pull out." Her voice decreases in volume but the intensity is there.

If only she knew what really happened...

I had just finished packing our suitcases when my phone rang. I walked up to it and answered when it read "Skyler" on the screen and a picture of us kissing in the background

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