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I wake up to a phone ringing. It takes me a moment to realize I am laying down on our bed, Harry being big spoon, his arms straddling my waist and his head behind mine, his breathe hitting my back.

I smile from the contact and the familiar feeling of being in his arms. I slowly pull myself from under his grip and tip toe to the coffee table where my phone is. I remember us making up and feeling extremely warm in his arms then its a blur. I fell asleep hugging him? Nice.

I smell like him as I grab my phone and the screen says an unknown number. I quickly put the phone on silent so Harry doesn't wake up. He must have fallen asleep way after me, since that ringing didn't wake him up. The sound is almost all the way down so that helped. I quickly swipe my finger across the screen and put the phone to my ear as I slowly walk to the bathroom.

"Good morning Ms. Jackson." I remember his voice immediately, its Gabriel.

"Uhm- Hello." I don't know what to say. I separate the phone from my ear for a second and read the time. It says 13:35, its not morning at all.

"I would have preferred not to wake you up but its way past noon." How much do they monitor me? That watch me sleep? What about when we have sex? Do they know when I fart? Oh my god what is this, a reality tv show?

"This watching me is getting a little too creepy. This is the invasion of my privacy." I protest and I can hear his chuckle. Is this a fucking prank or something?

"We need to make sure you don't snitch on us or invade the rules Ms. Jackson." He says calmly.

"Why are you calling me? As you already know, I didn't invade any of the rules." I say as I take one of the little brown boxes on the counter and read the ingredients of the hotel shampoo to keep my hands busy and not fidget.

"We needed to inform you about the schedule so you could plan accordingly. Since you and Mr. Styles are back together, we thought a two week notice would be enough."

"How thoughtful of you." I scowl at him.

"You need to be back at Seattle by October 28th. Roughly a two week notice..." He ignores my rude comment and continues with a calm voice.

"What will I have to do?" I ask. A two week notice is actually pretty useful. I need to talk to Harry about that soon. Also Jack's... I need to go back and see whats going on. How they have been doing... Fuck, so many things are going on and its stressing me out.

"We will talk about that when you arrive." He says and hangs up. Wow, so helpful Agent Gab-fuck you.

I catch a glance of myself in the mirror and I look absolutely horrible. My cheek has a bruise from under my eye to me chin as well as Harry's hand on my wrists and the slits that the handcuffs made.

I tie my hair back with Harry's bandana and wash my face gently.

I put some of the liquid foundation on the back of my hand and start to buff that in, concentrating on my cheek. After two layers, concealer and contoring, its barely noticeable. It just looks like I tanned one side of my face more than the other. I am okay with that. I put this rosy color on my eyelids and some mascara. Then I put on a lip balm and walk out of the bathroom.

Harry is still sleeping so I grab my phone and sit on the couch. This is what normal 17 year olds do right? Look at social media and stuff like that.

I open Instagram and it says *297 new followers*. What?

I scroll down my notifications and it says *harrystyles tagged you in a photo*. What the hell?

I click the notification and its a picture of him kissing me from behind the couch, my head back and him leaning towards me. When was this taken? I have no idea... The caption reads "follow my babygirl". My heart warms.

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