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The phone rang once more. I waited. I waited just enough for Harry to wake up but he just stirred beneath me and I had to get up to answer it.

"I'm sorry. Its time to go. Meet me on the corner of Conner's and 56th." Gabriel's familiar voice made me shiver. This was it.

If I get the job and pass every evaluation, I will never be able to be Sky again. They will change my identity, I will never have a normal life. Harry will go back to New York, Louis will move on, Rose will grow up.

It makes me feel happy. For some reason, everyone moving on makes me happy. I knew everyone would be okay.

I put my phone down and walk back up to the bed. Harry is still sleeping, his  face relaxed, his naked body sprawled across the sheets. Its so beautiful, it makes me shed a tear.

I lean down and kiss his forehead. Doing everything possible to wake him up without actually waking him up. I need to leave now. I need to go. But this is the last time I will see him so I need him to wake up and stop me, fight for me.

I move away from him and pick my clothes up from the floor. I try not to notice my heart pounding in my chest and the tears rimming my eyes. I put my clothes on and write a note. I will always love you. -S

Thats the best I can do. I love him with everything I have but I have to go. For myself and him. I had him for tonight and if thats the best I can get, its fine.

I take my phone and open the door. I look back for one last time and I cry. My sobs are on mute, just tears run down my cheeks.

It hurts. It hurts beyond words. We both love each other I know that. I now know that he left me for me. I believe every word that comes out his mouth. He did whats best for me and I am leaving him. Maybe we could have had another day. I know he is with someone else. It doesn't hurt, knowing I made him cheat. He belongs with me. For some reason, we are not together and it hurts to leave him for the last time.

I open my mouth, almost say something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I did. But I don't. Instead, I close the door behind me and start running out of this building before I can go back.


Its about 4 in the morning when I reach the corner of Conner's and 56th on foot. I am out of breathe and my legs are burning like fire but the pain in my chest has lifted a little bit after all the thinking I just did. 

The black town car is waiting for me so I get in without a thought. Gabriel is inside.

He looks at me with knowing eyes. He must know Harry was with me.

"I am sorry, I really am. I didn't-" I cur him off and make a decision right there. My life until this minute won't interfere with my life after. I have too much garbage, too many feelings locked inside of me and I really need and want this job.

"Don't say anything about it. I am done. I am ready to be someone else." I sigh and look out as the car starts to drive and Gabriel gives up, leans to the side and waits for the trip to finish.

I open my eyes and wake up when the car comes to a stop. I look out and there is people everywhere, with suitcases, crying children, rushing places.

"Why are we at the airport?" I ask even though I know the answer already.

Gabriel sighs and rubs his brows before answering "because the headquarters are in New York City."

Great. Just fucking great.

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