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My hands get sweaty and all the blood in my veins withdraw. My stomach is in knots when Louis puts the phone and the first thing he says is 'Harry'.

"What happened?!" I yell at him even though he has nothing to do with it. For some reason I can feel the tears pooling in my eyes and I feel like I can crash these lamps on the wall.

"He got into a fight. He is in the hospital. They say he is out. In he is out of it." He says and he looks mortified. I don't know what to do. I don't have a car to drive there and that would take too long. I can't risk it to fly either. I am frozen, thinking.

"We can fly there." Louis finally mentions. I don't know why he is coming along or why he is helping me in the first place.

"I can't. Runaway, juvenile delinquent remember?" I point at myself. Louis looks like he is about to laugh.

"My private jet." He says like its what you should think right away. He has a private jet what the hell. I can buy one too. That idea gives me power.

"There are no passport or like ID checks?" I ask and even though I am about to cry he laughs. How can he be so calm and happy? Oh right, its not him whose love of his life is injured.

"Of course not. Not as long as its like a country that requires a visa." He says as he walks out the living room. He grabs his own phone and calls someone.

"Oh yes. Louis Tomlinson. Yes. I like Richard better. (laughs)... Yes. A ride from Seattle - Tacoma International Airport to JFK please. Yes thank you. We will be there in an hour. Yes. Good day." He hangs up. I can understand we are flying and I am happy and nervous.

I am happy because flying takes like only 5 hours and nervous because I don't know what the fuck to tell Harry. I don't even know why they called me. I should talk to Louis about answering my phone calls but he just accepted to fly me to New York so I decide on leaving that for the plane ride.

I feel like I could cry from worry for Harry if I talk so I don't say anything. Louis packs himself some clothes then we get in his black Jeep and he takes me to Jack's. I explain Rose what happened and pay Rana then go to my room. I open my hiding place in the floor where I hide my money and take cash 1.5k from when I hid it there with Harry. I need cash on me and I want to pay Louis back for this ride. I know its very expensive and for once in my life, I am in no shortage for money.

I pack quickly after that, just getting the essentials as well as toiletries. I don't bother to change out of Louis' clothing and I rush down to him.

The ride is again quiet. Jack passed this morning which is hard to believe was just hours ago and not days. I didn't push his death away and faced it. I got it out of my system for the first time in my life. I then faced Zayn and Liam's deaths and I felt like I was flying. I was in a good mood until now. I felt as if without Harry and all the feelings I held inside, finally off my chest, I was free again. I felt as if everything would be OK. The knowing of having a shit ton of money in the bank, helped me measurably. There is no comparison, money puts your mind at ease. Makes you know, there is a way out. I feel like I can survive anything.

Before I know it we are inside the private plane and its exactly like in the movies. We take off shortly and I find myself fidgeting, walking back and forth when my stomach growls so loud, Louis hears it from the other side of plane.

"Have you eaten anything?" He asks and I look outside. Its getting dark slightly. I look at the clock and it reads 6 PM.

"No." I admit and sit down. Between all this chaos, all I had was a glass of wine. I realize I am dizzy and I know its because of hunger. Louis motions something to the flight attendant that is sitting in the corner, reading the newspaper.

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