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"Its peeing on me! Ahhh!" Harry yells as he lifts the diaper thats open from underneath her and blocks the pee.

I am on the floor, trying not to choke on my own laughter. Harry shoots me a death glare and his black shirt, face and some pieces of hair is wet.

"Let me give you a hug." He says and marches towards me as soon as Em stops peeing. I jump up and run to the other corner, screaming.

"Harry no. Harry I'll kill you. Horton no!" I yell and he starts laughing at me calling him Horton. He stops chasing me when he has me cornered and I am on the floor, trying to kick him.

"Go take a god damn shower. I'll change her. I remember changing Rose one time. You can't do anything right Horton." I say as I push him into the bathroom, touching his dry back.

He turns when I call him Horton and his nostrils are flaring, trying to contain his laughter.

"Don't call me that Persephone!" He yells my middle name that I dread. I flip him off and rush back to Emily that we forgot on the changing table. I hear the bathroom door lock behind me as I enter the pink nursery.

They really went all out on this. The nursery alone is bigger than the combination of my room and bathroom at Jack's. The walls are this pastel pink. There is this huge crib that has white lace hanging from the sides and the linen looks way too expensive to have a creature that poops and pees itself on top.

There is a rocking chair, toys, three different god damn rugs, a changing table with diapers and wipes mounted beside. Three pacifiers lined along her bed side, her fav toy I suppose along with them.

There is also a full length mirror and three closets thats kinda excessive for a 1 year old.

She is smiling, chewing her onesie when I reach her. I take the dirty diaper from underneath her and undress her completely. She is sticky from the watermelon juice. I wipe her butt clean and put the wipes inside the dirty diaper and roll it up. I throw that at the dispenser to the left and grab her to give her a small shower. Its eight thirty now and its probably bed time for her.

I knock on the door of the bathroom Harry's in since he locked the door. The water is turned off and I hear ruffling then the door unlocks and Harry peeps, water dripping from his locks.

"You okay?" He asks. I thought he was done with his shower but he isn't. He just got out the shower because he thought something happened.

"We need to wash Emily." I say and look at her. I look back at Harry and realize his dingdong is out, staring at us from the small crack of the door. I shriek and cover Em's eyes. Harry starts laughing as he turns his body so his side is towards me and his down under, away.

"Oh my god. She is 1 years old! Harold!" I scowl at him as I turn Em so she can't see Harry. I try not to look at his dick either. It only makes me want to put Em in baby jail and jump on it.

"Yeah you are right. She might have a trauma since she is used to seeing pussies." He jokes as he opens the door fully and hangs out his arms for Em. I take a step back and make the most exaggerated face I can make.

"Put some god damn pants on. I am coming inside, I can't hand her to you when you are naked and can't have you wash her alone. She can drown." I tease and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Its nothing you haven't seen and I think from the way she is hugging you, she is gonna follow her mommies footsteps." He says playfully and I want to be embarrassed but I can't. I stomp my foot, covering Em's eyes when she looks at him because of the sound I made.

"Okay! Jesus Christ." He mumbles but he is still smiling like an idiot when he pulls his black boxer briefs over his genitalia. The tight black fabric on him looks effortlessly perfect and I have to look away.

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