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Happy New Years!

Its the 6th of September when I receive a call from England.

I debate in my head whether or not to pick it up. Its four in the morning and I am laying in Logan's arms.

"Hello?" I open the phone.

"Oh thank god you picked up!" A familiar accent comes to my ear and I shiver since its so close to Harry's.

"Gemma?" I clear my voice and ask. Logan sits in the bed and tries to understand whats going on.

"Yes my dear! I was so scared you were not going to pick up!" She sounds esthetic, giggling almost.

"Its four in the morning in the states." I rub my eyes. My graduation is so close and my tiredness level is wearing thin. I need all the sleep I can get.

"Oh sorry my love. I just wanted to ask you something. Uhm, when we last spoke my mum told you something. About me pregnant do you remember?" I remember Anne begging me to go with her to the X-ray then telling me how she thinks Gemma can be pregnant.

"Oh yes. You ok?" I ask and as if on cue a baby cries in the background.

"Oh shit." I smile and Gemma starts laughing.

"Oh shit it is! Its a baby boy Skyler!" She beams.

Holy fuck Gemma had a baby?!

"My god Gemma congrats! I am so happy for you!" I say and Logan kisses my shoulder, asking me whats going on. I nod for him to wait.

"Thank you! He is barely 8 weeks old and his name is Nick! Anyways, I was calling you for something else." Gemma is smiling from ear to ear I can tell.

"William asked me to marry him the day our son was born! I said yes and now I lost all the baby weight and the wedding is this Friday, the eleventh! I want you to be my maid of honor!" Gemma shrieks! I can't say I am sharing the enthusiasm.

"Before you say no please know I am breast feeding and pretty emotional so I might start crying on you and you are the only one who can make Harry look in the eye at us. Please please please! Anne would love him to be here!" She literally screams. Its been 2 months since I ever heard his name and when I do, the pain is there yet majorly numb.

"Gemma me and Harry-" I don't think they know we broke up. She wouldn't have called me otherwise.

"I know you guys are busy! But c'mon its my wedding! I want you to be there and without you there is no Harry! I'll call him too but please! Convince him! I want you to be my maid of honor. Pregnant at 23 makes you loose quiet a few friends you know... I need you there Skyler please!" Gemma begs. I don't want to see Harry again nor spend anytime with him.

"I know you don't do dresses or anything like that but please! I'll let you keep the brides maid dress. You'll play with Nick! Anne misses you!" Gemma laughs and I can't help but smile.

"I'll do my best." I give up. I don't want to break her the news. If Harry didn't tell his family he left me and married someone else, thats his business. I don't want to be the one who gives the bad news to Anne or a new mother.

"I love you! Since the wedding is so close, if you can make it here by Wednesday it will be awesome! I'll go tell Anne! I am so happy Nick will meet his uncle!" Gemma hangs up after that and I toss the phone to the floor.

"Whats up?" Logan asks as I push my hands onto my face and throw myself back onto the bed. Logan leans in and kisses my cheekbones.

"I think I am going to England this Wednesday." I blurt. Logan remains calm.

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