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Omg! I can't believe we are at the 40th chapter!

"Fuck!" I hear someone cuss and it makes me wake up but I can't make out who it is. Its a loud, angry 'fuck'.

I lift myself off of what it seems as the floor and I am (thank god) in the apartment which they call 'the bears lair'. It makes no sense but I guess its tradition because their high school mascot was a grizzling bear.

I see a random girl on Jacob and its Tim cussing, running around, his pants in hand and button down ripped open. I can't understand whats going on so I get off the floor and it takes me awhile to adjust to the fucking light in the room.

My brain burns in this demonic sun shine and I close my eyes and blindly walk to the shutters. I do close it eventually and take a sigh of relief when I do. Its pitch black in the living room and its quiet, making the hang over bearable.

There is one girl on the floor, one blonde exactly on Jacob, I was on the other end of the couch where the brunette is currently sleeping and there is Harry on the kitchen counter, shirtless and cups stuck to his torso and forehead. I wanna laugh at that but my head hurts too much to move my mouth.

I look at myself in the mirror that hangs on the fridge. My hair is tied at various places with rubber bands and I am wearing Harry's shirt, I realize I am wearing no underwear/bra or pants. Thats horrifying.

I don't know what to do next. I don't want to wake anyone up and I know Tim is awake, not sure why but still.

I walk down the hall, irritated by my own foot steps sounds and I stop when I come to the bathroom. Tim is there, staring at his own reflection and almost about to cry. I realize why when I realize he has no hair and the remainder is pitch black.

"Oh shit!" I say and Tim jumps from my voice. He was so focused on his reflection that he didn't realize my presence.

"Club going up on a Tuesday!!!" Jacob yells suddenly and I have to close my ears with my hands, not to die from the loud yell.

"Shit!" He curses afterwards almost whispering and I peep through the hallway to discover he is closing his own ears, annoyed by his own yell. I leave Tim behind and walk back to the living room. Apparently, Jacob waked everyone up.

"Its Wednesday. Its already tomorrow dip shit!" Harry cusses as he gets off the kitchen counter and the cups continue to stay on his body. So we did actually glued it on him.

"Jacob, I gotta run big boy. Here is my number." The blonde that was on Jacob is not hung over at all as she scribbles numbers into the palm of a very confused Jacob as she covers her bare chest with her jacket and makes everyone realize she is not wearing a shirt or a bra as she jogs out the house.

"Woah" Jacob says as he rubs his eyes. I look at Harry and he has this expression like he is about to puke on his face.

"Trashcan!" He yells and I know he is going to puke. His loud yel however makes everyone close their ears.

"Cups!" I say back when he is running, holding his mouth. He picks one on his hips and pulls it off, making a horrible sound and pukes in it.

"Fuck!" I say and look away. The brunette on the floor is up and putting her jeans on.

"Holy fuck!" Harry says as he stands up straight and carries the puke filled cup to the bathroom.

"Mate the fuck?" We hear after some time and I know he met Tim and saw his hair. A laughter comes from the bathroom then Harry returns with Tim, pulling him with one arm over Tim's shoulder and the other, scratching his head.

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