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"Guys! Focus! Your first mission is tomorrow night! We will take both of you to a hotel nearby for the night and your prep will start. We are short on time people!" Louis yells but nothing comes into my ears. I am still looking at Harry who is looking away. I gulp as a cold sweat rolls down my spine and I get goosebumps. Suddenly the air is cold and the time is flowing around me, not involving me in, Louis is talking his voice spreading into waves, passing through me. I am a pair of eyes observing it pass, behind the curtain. Harry gulps and clenches his fists while my eyes can't leave his face. I never loved him. I can't love him. No. No I can't.

My heart feels like a truck ran over it but I am strong girl and I know better. I take a deep breathe and straighten my posture while I run a index finger under both of my eyes to collect the moisture. I build up the walls inside me that Harry broke down with one simple look. I guard my heart again, leaving armed soldiers and locks behind that Harry over threw with one word. I put my heart in a box and drop it in the ocean because whenever its in my hands, it gets broken. I don't have to wait five years, its already demolished. I should have acted upon experience and not even consider opening up to Harry. I should have fucked him the night I met him than I should have left him just like Jesse. Jesse is so smart.

"Skyler? You said you don't want to be pushed around, get in the fucking car." Louis snaps his fingers at my face and I get out of my trans. I smile, showing my perfect row of teeth and my dimples .

"Okay." I say and step inside the car followed by a shocked Harry. I can enjoy this. The girl who cared too much about others is gone and the bitch who went to hell and back is here. This was such a fucking mistake.

The ride is silent, Harry looking out the window and me looking at him.

"Rose?!" I asked panicked suddenly. I was so caught up in my shit that I forgot her.

"Oh calm down please! She is already at the hotel." Louis tells me as I take a breathe of relief. Harry's eyes are on me when I look away. Its like fourth grade but I don't fucking care. I am not heartbroken because I never loved him but still, it fucking hurts.

I fidget with my hands and force myself to look outside the whole ride while Harry watches me the entire time. We get out the car and into this fancy hotel, into the lobby, out on to the fifth floor and into our room. Rose is there along with many men and women. I find myself undressed and being measured in under five minutes I was in the room, followed by someone putting me inside this tight red dress with a slit on the right. I can't make my mind participate in anything but I can gather random lines from people which makes the big picture.

Here is what I discovered in the last twenty minutes of dress fitting and being squeezed in all the wrong places: our mission is the go to a upscale bar/strip club where all the big business man go to relax/cheat on there wives. Than, we need to locate the target, which is called Duty G, who is a young business man, owner of G-Dot Enterprises, a big tech firm which crossed roads with Louis and whatever 'gang' he is in. My mission in particular is to seduce Duty G and convince him to go up to the hotel rooms upstairs than roofie his drink. Harry on the other hand will be one of the waiters and his job is to make sure I am not caught and watch out for Duty G's guys and be my way of flight if shit go wrong.

Harry is being groomed when I am slipped out of my dress and onto a waxing gurney under a mili second. Before I can comprehend one lady is on my legs, one in my lady parts, laying two strips at a time and pulling them off continuously.

"Tough girl you are." one of the waxing ladies smiles at me while yanking another strip off followed by me biting my lip. I smile at her while digging my nails into my palm.

"Never been a fan of waxing but did it quite often so I am used to it." I take a deep breathe and on they go. I try to concentrate on my phone while they turn me into a hairless chicken. When my legs and lady bits are done which is quite easy since I shave often and the hairs are not long, they do my pits, face and eyebrows which I quite like. I got mine threaded normally but wax makes them pretty nice also.

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