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"I don't think thats a good idea Winston." Maybe I should stop the drinking after this point. If I am going to fight off a horny college student, high, I can't be anymore drunk.

"Don't you find it weird that you smoke Camel brand cigarettes when your name is a cigarette brand?" I ask out of nowhere. This is me high and drunk, I have no control over what I say or do. Its terrifying.

"What? I said I want to kiss you." Winston turns me so I face him. I am trapped between him and the liquor table as he pushes his hips onto mine. I don't want to kiss him. I just did that out of spite.

"I said I didn't want to kiss you." I let out a breathe and squish myself out of his grip. I should have taken that drink. Maybe two more and he can do whatever he wants to me. I won't even remember it tomorrow.

"Well I just complimented you so you need to please me." He presses on, following me into the kitchen. Now he is just a fuckboy and I don't fuck with fuckboys.

"No I don't. Get the fuck away from me." I say but my voice is calm since I am high. I want to punch him but I am too drained for that shit at the moment. Tomorrow morning is gonna be rough for future Sky. What am I even saying?

"Yes you do. I took a punch because of your jealous fit." So he knows I did not suck the card on purpose?

"You took a punch because Harry threw one. Now, answer my question. Does your cock reach your asshole?" Like any normal fuckboy, he thinks its a question about his length and he grins proudly and nods.

"Good, now you can go fuck yourself." I say and walk away just as his smile falls.

He does not follow me outside since I injured his ego. I get out and sit on the floor, not minding my pants as I take deep breathes of the fresh air.

I don't know how long I sit there cross legged but many people pass me and exit the house slowly.

"You okay?" I hear someone say to me just when I close my eyes and get a split second of peace from the nothingness inside my brain.

"I swear the god if one more person asks me that fucking question-" I turn around to see who is talking when I see his cheek with that familiar scar.

"Louis?" My voice comes so soft in contrast to my previous harsh and yelling tone. He is wearing jeans and a shirt he has his trench coat over those, hands in his pockets and eyes full of curiosity.

"Yeah, I am here." He says and opens his arms for me. Without hesitation I get up and basically run to him. The moment he embraces me, tears start running down my face.

"I fucked up. I fucked up so bad Lou." I sob into his chest. I am doing that quiet often lately. He strokes my back and tries to soothe me while what happened only moments ago catch up to me and hit me like a fucking truck out of nowhere.

"Its okay Sky." He whispers to me but he is lying, I know.

"Its not okay. He will never love me anymore Lou." I continue to cry as Louis strokes my hair.

"Lets go home?" He says but it comes out as a question.

"My home has a pair of eyes and a heart beat." I whisper to him as I feel my feet disconnect from the ground and moments later my ass is on these leather seats and I am inside a car.

"Wait, you had a date. Why did you bail on her? How did you find me?" The fogginess in my head from the joint clears up. That shit was weak, half an hour passed since I took that and its wearing off already.

"I didn't bail on Caroline. Its almost six in the morning. I dropped her off at her house at midnight. Harry came back to the hotel at five and sent me to check on you. You weren't answering your phone." Its six in the morning? I sat outside the house for what, three hours? Holy fuck. That joint really fucked me up. Harry sent him to check up on me? He still cares? My phone?

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