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Everything moves in my head like a domino effect. Everything is more clear at this moment. Everything is falling into place. Everything I had a few questions laying around in my head are answered.

"I know that look, you are getting it!" Liam smirks as he starts to circle me in the isle. I have to alert Louis in some way.

"Everyone get out! Run!" I yell as loud as I can which makes the already few people rush out the store. I hope Louis will get the cue.

Liam on the other hand is thriving with anger, red and spitting all over the place.

"Now, don't do that! But since we are alone, I can do my speech that I prepared last night to read as your eulogy." He clears his throat as he pushes the gun into my back.

"The night I saw Skyler Jackson for the first time was a snowy day in Seattle. She was on the sidewalk, walking to her singing spot, holding a plastic cup and shivering. I got her out of there, cared for her, thought her and fell in love with her. We had many firsts together and many mores. I changed her life like she did to mine. Then she abounded me. Thats right. I came to pick her up one day and she was gone. The cops took her. After a year and maybe a bit more I saw her again, on the street with another dude, drunk shitless. I was pissed. She gave me her new number that night and I had ideas on the way home. Revenge. Sweet revenge. She thought she could walk away from my life then jump right back in with someone else. I fucked girls after her? Many. Were they ever her? Never. So I started plotting. One lucky day, I came across Louis Tomlinson. He was this sweet guy who was looking for 'workers'. I acted as an anonymous friend, gave him Sky's number. Told her where she was, told Louis her life. I told him about that fucking Brit. I told him everything I knew. They first scared Sky and that mamas boy. Louis had them work for him. Everything was great. The deal was, after a few gigs, he would kill them for the right of secrecy. But you see, since we are having this conversation, he didn't. I had to take charge. I kidnapped both of you, that whole match maker deal was bullshit. That 'blue eyed man' was about to say 'Liam' until my other guy shot him. I also called the cops on the party. So you could get arrested and my guys at the juvy would kill you. See Sky, you should have been dead but you dodged both of the obstacles I sent your way." Liam whispers all this to my ear behind my back.

"That night after the party Harry got 'lost'. I may have also payed Jesse for that little smooch and for a plane ticket from New York to Seattle. Why did you think she moves from coast to coast and they 'bump into each other' one night when he is separated from you? You just didn't let him fucking go." Liam smiles and I spit on his face. That was not the universe too.

He then flips me so I am facing him. Everything makes sense. Why Louis knew so much about us. How he tracked us. How he played his cards. Why everything went wrong so much. I thought it was the universe. It was Liam all along.

"You are sick! You were my friend. My first real friend! How could you do that to me!" I yell at Liam loudly so Louis can hear me and come in for a rescue. Why are they not coming in? After all of that people rushing out! They should be here to get me.

"Can't you see Sky. I love you. I am obsessed with you! I can't cope you being with Harry! You betrayed me! You should have been back to me!" He yells as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to his face. His eyes are this dark brown and he has gone mad.

"Get off me!" I yell as I push him away. He only looks turned on by this as he grabs me again. He looks scary and I am scared. Liam had a special fucking place in my heart.

"Oh by the way! I killed Zayn." he blurts just as I am about the run off. I stop in my tracks and a cold sweat runs down my back. I turn around as fast as I can as my knees start to tremble. Liam has a smirk on.

"You what?!" I yell as I hover over him, and jump onto him, pinning him down. I am beyond frantically angry, I am about to loose my fucking mind.

"He said he found you hot and you were his one and only. I gave him that extra shot! Did you think those paramedics would leave you like that! It was all a fucking set up. You giving him cardiac massage was a bit dramatic I admit it. Besides, without Zayn out the picture and you mentally broken, you would never drink that much nor give me time to call Harry. I couldn't have pulled the kidnap with you being sober." Liam almost laughs at my face when I fuming and breaking inside.

"Killing Zayn was actually a get away for you. I thought, your 'brother' dead and Harry no where to console you, you would confide in me. If you had kissed me at the bar that night I would only have Harry kidnapped and dead. We would happily live together." Liam is so proud of his plan you can see it on his face. It only makes me angrier.

I throw a punch first which he grabs, then I throw a kick and he dodges it. He then smiles even wider.

"Don't be so dramatic. I buried him just outside of Seattle as a place I would bring you if you kissed me. We would go as a couple and it would be so sad and I would have to console you with kissing you." He finishes and starts laughing. I throw him another punch but he ducks and dodges it.

"Who thought you all this? Don't make me use my gun yet. I wanted to talk." He smiles but I this time drop to the floor and run my legs under his, making him drop to the floor. I kick the gun out of his hands and take mine out, throwing his to the end of the isle.

"I learned other things too Liam." I say as I point the gun to his. He is no longer smiling.

"I never loved you. I never even cared for you. You were the way to my salvation. Sex was just a plus. Zayn? This is for Zayn. I cared for Zayn ten times more than I did for you. Harry? I love him. I love him with all my heart and I will marry him and I will die with him. While you will die on the floor of a supermarket never loved by anyone. You can go fuck yourself in hell." I pull the trigger and with a loud boom blood spills everywhere.

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