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"Zayn!" I pound the same metal door in the dark alley. Its only three in the evening but even the sun doesn't dare to come in here in a warm June day.

The door swings open and a sober Zayn this time is on the doorway. He smiles up at me and I hug him before he invites us inside.

Zayn sits back in his seat which I guess he was originally sitting on. I sit on the couch opposite from him and Harry just stands, his palms on the back of the couch Zayn is sitting on, eyeing the apartment carefully.

"So what can I do for you beautiful?" Zayn asks as he sips his mug which smells like tea. Harry clenches his jaw and Zayn notices it. He throws Harry a death glare and Harry looks away, pulling his hands into fists. I know his star never matched with Zayn's and I know he is being quite for my sake.

"Uhm- I need keys. The keys for the shooting range." I say and turn to Harry for a reaction. His eyes go wide and it makes Zayn laugh.

"Sure but you know that a girl got shot there last year. Be careful." Zayn gets up to find the keys after placing his mug on the coffee table. His apartment is quite neat for a drug addict. He has dark leather couches that I remember high jacking from an IKEA transportation truck. He has a stained white wooden coffee table and a small TV in front of it. Liam told me the story of stealing that TV almost a hundred times. His small apartments kitchen is separated from the living room by a small isle and bar stools which serves as a dinner table. His kitchen has wood kitchen drawers and shelves also a marble counter. Those things that he actually bought from drug money.

"Here." Zayn throws two keys in a keychain to the coffee table which lands right in front of me.

"Harry you going with her?" I think this is Zayn's first civilized attempt of socialization with him. Harry looks as surprised as me when he answers back.

"Yeah." He looks uncertain of what to say and clears his throat after speaking.

"Good. The guns are hidden but should be still there. There are four SIG sauer's. Heavy guns Harold." Zayn throws him a cocky smirk and Harry responds by a disgusted face which makes Zayn laugh again.

"I wouldn't take them out but if you do make sure to dump them if you suspect any police. They are not registered and-" I cut Zayn off.

"I know, I know okay! You don't have to tell me shit I already know. I have been there at least a thousand times." I say and take the keys from the counter while I get off the couch. I pat Zayn on the shoulder than walk to the door with Harry behind me.

"See you around Sky!" He yells not looking my way and sips his tea afterwards.

"Be careful Zayn." I say as I close the door behind me after Harry walks out. I put the keys in my back pocket and start walking to the nearest metro station. We stay quite during our walk, thinking about what can happen tonight. I am taking Harry to the shooting range so he can practice a bit and I can rub some rust off. Its been two years since I held a gun and I kinda miss it. It gives you such power and adrenaline it can be addicting and very dangerous. Thats kind what I wanna be. Addicting and dangerous.

When we reach the metro station and jump over the turnstiles I see two girls sitting on the pavement with a cardboard in front of them which reads 'please buy us food'. The two girls are dirty and there clothes are ripped in certain places from being worn too much. One is about three years old, the other maybe eight. There hairs are messed up, droll on the sides of there mouth.

"Hey." I say and kneel in front of them. I look at the crowd passing behind me and spot Harry. He walks a bit than realizes my absence and stops to look around. When he spots me I turn back to the girls.

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