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New York will be great. It will be a new slate. A new page and a new beginning. We surely need that.

"Sky? You okay?" I ask as she rests her head on the curve of the glass window of the rented Toyota. We figured it wasn't a good idea to fly after realizing Sky is on The Wanted list by the cops.

We made a decision. A 48 hour car ride, over 3 thousand miles via car was our journey to freedom and enlightenment. She named it, therapy travel. I liked that.

I started the engine and turned on the radio when a silly, overplayed Taylor Swift song came on. She wasn't amused by it. It was Tuesday night, three minutes away from Wednesday and we were in this crappy old Toyota which was already at a ten thousand miles, our suitcases at the back, filled with everything we owned and I liked it.

I liked the fact that we had to turn all of the windows down to keep cool at this warm September night which was now the 24th.

I liked how her hair flew all across her face, getting in her mouth but how she didn't mind and looked out at the summer sky instead.

I loved her very much and everything we did together was something I liked.

"Can I have the aux cord?" She asked and I almost laughed when I looked at the radio.

"If it has one. Go ahead!" I said as she started giggling and searching.

I had emptied out half of my bank account total which was around 3 thousand dollars. It was more than enough for this trip. I know a few friends there and they will help us out anyways. I went to boarding school there so its not new to me.

I had a few friends who chose to stay in the city that never slept. I however, chose to leave, simply because it didn't feel like home and some other complicated reasons.

Suddenly, the shitty radio music stopped and I heard a loud beam through the speakers. I looked at Sky and she was smiling proudly. I didn't realize what she was playing or where I was at a moment. At that moment I was focused on her expression which was so enthusiastic and beautiful, I felt as if I was weightless as a feather and she was my goddess. I fell in love with her again.

"You see that thing that you light up cigarets with? Do you see it? Well, this dumbass left the thing that you insert there so its an aux cord. Found it under my seat!" She is so excited, all I can do is look at her smile and smile too.

A deep voice sings in the background which is then joined by a much higher pitched voice.

"Thats the weeknd!" She says as she sings along and all I can do is smile and drive. The fact that she doesn't like to drive, leaves me the only driver. I am not sure if she has a license and I don't want to ask because even if she does, I don't think she has it with her and I don't want to force her to drive either.

So there I go, she sings along keeping me company and I drive through the dark on the interstate to NYC.

"Sky! Wake up babe!" I nudge her and her eyes fly open. She calms down after a moment and rubs her eyes. Its noon now and we are at Wyoming, parked outside of Wendy's.

"Darling, I need to use the loo." I plea and she nods in understanding as I fly out of the car to the bathrooms.

I take the first urinal I see and start peeing peacefully. I can feel my stomach shrinking as I do so. I didn't want to leave Sky in the car alone and I had to pee since Idaho.

She was so peacefully and really sleeping for so long that I couldn't wake her up. My fatigue, hunger and need to pee took over on I-94 and I gave in when I saw Wendy's.

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