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We don't speak again. We also skip customs or any check at all and get in a private jet. Perks of traveling with the FBI.

I call Louis first just before the plane takes off.

"Sky are you okay?" He asks. He is so panicked that it hits me. I never thought of asking Harry how he found me. From Louis' rushed and excessive pitch, I know he knows Harry found me, hell, he is the one who guided Harry to me.

"Was it from Where's my iPhone app?" My laptop is at his place. Where else can it be?

He stops and just breathes into the line then sighs.

"Yeah." He confesses and I take a deep breathe.

"Don't be upset please-" he starts once again.

"I'm not upset. Louis, I am leaving." I feel like I said those words one too many times.

"What- Is it because of Harry?! I can stop-" he is more rushed and even more panicked.

"No its not that. Of course its not. I have to go to sort some things on my own." I try to keep my voice steady. I hate this. I hate leaving and lying to my best friend.

"Sort some things out with me. Sky don't-" the helplessness in his voice gets to me and tears stain my cheeks.

"We are ready to take off. Miss can you end that call please." The only flight attendant in the small plane says that to me and Gabriel shoots me an apologetic look.

"Wait are you on a plane already?! Where are you going?" Louis screams. I continue to cry as my voice gets stuck in my throat.

"I have to go Louis. I am sorry. Please don't give up on Rose. She needs you. I love you, please remember that." My voice cracks at the end and my image from my steady voice from earlier is ruined.

"Skyler-" he pleas before I end the call.

I can't end the tears though.

"He will understand." Gabriel tries to calm me.

"Will he though? He has done nothing but help me all through this, understand everything. What am I doing in return? Abandoning my sister with her and running off the New York." When I say it out loud, it seems even more horrific. What am I doing?

"I am sure he will. Think of it this way, you are trying to save yourself. What would have happened if you stayed? Harry would have left sooner or later to- uhm- back to New York and Rose would go off to college, Louis would get back to business and you? What would you do? Work as a barista? A waitress? Until you die? Sell the Lambo, buy a house? Come home to what? Do drugs every time you feel depressed? Become an addict? " Gabriel's words should console me but instead they make bullet holes inside of me.

"Okay! I get your point." I sign and put my phone on airplane mode. Then I lean back and decide to get some sleep.


"Do you like it?" Gabriel shows me my apartment.

Its a small loft in Manhattan, with a small kitchen, tiny living room, one bed that looks at the glass windows that cover the living room walls from head to toe. There is one small bathroom with old fashioned mosaics and a vintage styled toilet.

There is a small balcony that leads to the fire escape and I am absolutely in love with it.

"I set the Wi-Fi and cable for you, you can buy yourself another laptop soon and do you like it?" He takes my silence as dislike.

"Like it? I am in love with it. Gabriel! Its so amazing!" I hug him with the joy inside of me.

I never had any home of my own and this- this ones amazing.

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