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"Where could he go? Calm down. I'm coming there." I hear Anne's voice in the background as Louis speaks with anger and my heart races.

"Don't. He will be back. Stay." I hang up. I can't think that he is gone and Louis has to be here.

He won't go.

Why would he go?

My fear of him actually running away from me becomes reality when I see the piece of paper on the bed. Oh no.

I walk up to it, hesitantly and the minute I recognize his hand writing, before I even read what it says, my sobs get louder and the tears are not tears but a constant waterfall by now.

I will always love you. It reads. This is his goodbye note? This is the way he breaks up with me? This is is his way of saying I am leaving for no apparent reason and oh by the way sorry for fucking you up, don't remember I will always love you so that you never really put this behind you. Fuck.

In the end, he knew he would never posses the wind so he took off. I put my fists on my temples and try to shake that thought away. No.


I wait for hours. Call Harry three more times, text him. I even call Kim to see if he came there. He hasn't.

Its midnight when I give in and take a cab to Anne's hospital. I can't help but cry in the car.

He wouldn't leave just like that. Not after I told him I would marry him eventually.

"I have to leave you now, before I get too attached, before I get used to the idea of marriage. Because if you leave me then, I won't survive it. You have to go now when I can take it"

My own words fill my mind and the thought of them actually being true makes my chest sting like a motherfucker.

He has no reason to leave. We hang up the phone saying I love you. Why would he leave? We weren't even fighting.

There has to be something else.

He can't be kidnapped since Gabriel promised to protect Harry. What if he slipped and hit his head and went to the hospital?

That makes more sense.

I wipe my tears, wait for a moment in the cold air for the puffiness in my eyes and my red cheeks to fade then I march inside. I can't tell Anne about this.

She needs to think everything's fine and that she can go to England in peace and not worry about her missing son.

I find her fully dressed sitting on the bed, Gemma talking to Louis in the corner and I can't help but look for Harry. I even take a peek at the bathroom. Nothing.

He is a large tattooed man, he isn't easy to hide.

"How are you feeling Anne?" I sit next to her on the bed and everybody else recognizes my presence. Louis and Gemma break their intense chat and disperse into the room.

"Been better. At least the pain is gone." She smiles and I do my best to.

"Harry said you had a bad stomach and were gonna stay in." Anne is obviously confused as everyone else. I need to put on a show right here, right now.

"Well what happened was, I just had a stomach ache so he came alone, but then he fell asleep on the couch and I was feeling better so I came to say goodbye one last time, since you guys leave tomorrow." I smile at Anne and Gemma who seems to buy it. Louis just looks at the floor with a confused look and I know he is trying to put the pieces together.

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