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Sometimes, you have to let go. This is what this is. This is what I need to do.

Thats what I tell myself everyday I wake up, put on my training clothes and take a cab to the FBI building.

Carmen is a French girl from the upper class families. The agent who suggested her is her uncle. She is pretty snobbish. Denise and I come from the lower class. We are both street children. Scott is the brain. Thats why he was so clean. His mission was to stop a bomb. He was behind a computer. This is was against our strengths and thats his.

We have PE in the morning and my partner is always Denise for some reason. Scott and Carmen are too posh to fight like we do. They are both afraid of us.

"Wanna hit me harder Jackson?" Denise smirks at me while sweat drips to the floor from my drenched shirt.

I lift my feet and jump at the same time and just as he guards himself for a kick I plunge my head onto his.

"Hows that huh?" I smirk as he falls to the ground. I look to my right and Carmen is hitting Scott like she is a five year old.

Me and Denise fight like its real, they fight like its two sisters trying to claim a cookie.

The fighting, the shooting in the gun range, the running, the investigating, the playing detective keeps me busy.

Midday, before lunch we have a run in the woods as usual. Scott is a runner apparently.

"How do you think I keep my physique after hours behind a computer and cans of Coke?" He mocks me as he tries to out run me and brings up pace. Denise is slow on his feet and Carmen is fast as first but slows down eventually, comes last every time.

"How do you think I am alive?" I out run and keep my pace, finish fifteen minutes before them in the 10K run.

Before we leave, we have the gun range. Thats when Carmen shines. She used to go duck and deer shooting with her dad.

"When you shoot, you must keep both eyes open." She lectures us like she is the boss. She hits the target in the forehead while its meant between the brows. Scott hits the chest, Denise hits the arm. Its my turn last.

"How about I shoot his eyes?" I close my right eye like I always do and hit the rubber target in the white of his left eye. I shoot again and hit the white of his right eye.

I try extra hard to focus on everything but Harry and all that emotion inside of me turns into energy and I find myself zoned so much into what I am doing, I never fail.

Its only hard when it comes to investigations. I am not that good in that. I seem to jump to conclusions. Thats when Carmen and Scott take over.

I was at peace. I was being so drained physically during the day that when I got home I just slept. I didn't have time to overthink nor the energy to.

That was until one day. It was the first day of April. Months into training when one night, I was leaving to go home at about nine pm when someone stopped me.

"You did great today Sky. Like always." It was Logan. He wasn't wearing his usual suit. He had jeans on, a black shirt under his jacket. He looked normal.

His hair was even styled.

"Thank you." I looked at the floor. I am not comfortable around him. He has this thing. Its like when you are telling a story and the key word is lost. You know what it is, it sits on the tip of your tongue but the letters never form in your head. I know something about him that I can't remember now.

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