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Nothing makes sense. Nothing makes sense at all.

I drop the pistol and throw it away from me. My knees tremble as I drop beside Liam. He is shaking on the floor, more like flopping and suffocating in his own blood.

My heart is beating so loud and so fast that I feel like I might die just from it. His eyes find mine and the desperation in them stabs me in the guts. He is crazy. He is crazy about me. Not in a good way. Not in a good way at all.

He is the reason that my life is the way it is. Good and bad. Him finding me on the street and basically raising me, is the reason I am here. Also, him selling off to Louis' is the reason I am here. It all ties back to him. Maybe there is no universe after all, there are these tinkers like Liam that alter your life from time to time.

He smiles suddenly but its not a sinister smile. Its a smile only death can put on your face, nothing else. His teeth are covered by blood as he lowers his head and his twitching settles.

"I love you Sky." He whispers and takes his last breathe. I lost mine as he does that.

His chest sinks in suddenly, his eyes settle on a spot, his body does not move anymore and he does not make any sound at all.

For some reason, I find myself crying. Too many deaths. Too many disasters, too many problems happened.

Then I zone out. Like I always do. I think its a defense mechanism my body altered so I can stay sane. Like after some amount of pain, your body just blocks it all out and makes you faint so there is a chance of survival. If it keeps you experiencing that pain, it kills you. My body shuts me off the outside world so I can comprehend what happened.

There are too many situations that happened to me. Too fucking many. I just got over a few and there was many, oh many, more thrown my fucking way.

We can start by me being born. It was a fucking mistake. I know it is. Then, my parents dying, that was a situation. Which started this mess in the first place. Afterwards, me being placed in shitty families were a situation. People, become serial killers just because of abusive parents. I survived that. Mostly because I zoned out like this or just fiddle myself into the worlds of characters in books. Me always running away, experiencing almost everything. Murder, mobbing, stealing, drugs, alcohol, hookers, auto theft, many fucking more. Then afterwards, falling fucking in love. I just got familiar with 'love' and set aside my ideas and morals that I created. That fucked me up too. Caring for others was another concept, admitting to caring was a whole other. Then this Louis business was fishy. Then my best friend died. Then the other one died as well. My boyfriend cheated on me among those lines and I cut my hair, let alone, put my guard down at all times. This is fucked up. I am being constantly fucked up since the day I am born.


Harry's POV

"Eat something." I push a bowl of oatmeal and dried berries in front of Skyler. She gives it one glance, then looks away, leaning back in her chair.

She has been like this since Liam passed. Even in my mind, I can't put her killing Liam into words. I stare at her while I jam into my thoughts and notice how she changed.

Her fit and scrumptious body is now replaced with a smaller in size but equally mesmerizing one. She still looks breathe taking but it lacks in nutrients. Her arms are now as thin as her wrists, her wrists are half the size. Her thighs are the size as her arms and her ankles are the size of her wrists. Her torso is thin like paper and her waist has shrunk. Her behind has slimmed off and her chest has melted away.

Her face holds the most transformation. The hollows of her eyes are this dark blue color and her cheek bones stick out so much, they can cut you, as well as her collar bones.

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