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"Sky! Sky!" I hear someone lifting me off the ground and then I feel their arms under my thighs while the wind hits me.

One moment afterwards, I am put on a hard surface and while I am trying to open my eyes, a wetness hits my face and its like coming out of hibernation.

"Sky!" Someone snaps there fingers in front of my face and I open my eyes wide from reflexes. The last time someone did that to me was when I was about to O.D. in Zayn's bathroom.

"Harry? Where is he?" Its a worried Liam in front of my face, examining my eyes.

"Let her wake up first you idiot." Zayn pushes Liam out the way and hands me a cup. I don't think about whats in it and just drink it anyway. Its water and it helps me open my eyes clearly.

"You okay Skyler? Say something." Zayn locks eyes with me while getting in a squat position to get down to my level of eyesight. His hair is messed up, eyes blood shot and eyebrows so furrowed, I am scared they will fall off.

"I ran. I ran all the way. We split. He got away. I got blocked. Back up. I ran." I can't form a sentence from my exhaustion and the alcohols effect on me. I try to keep my head up and eyes open for a reaction but all I get is Zayn standing back up and putting his hands on his hips then looking back up at Liam.

"How long was I out?" I ask when no one talks in the room and the only movement is Liam, Zayn and Niall throwing worried looks at each other.

"Nine fucking hours. When we got here the hotel staff had you in your room and told us you came here at two in the morning and crashed onto the floor." Liam talks rapidly while looking outside the window and I realize I am in my hotel room. Wearing the same clothes as yesterday except Zayn's jacket which is thrown on the floor. I am on the couch in my room, Niall sitting in front of me, Liam looking out the window and Zayn pacing.

"Wait? Nine hours?! Its like what? Twelve! Mid-day! And how did you guys came here? How did you knew I was staying here?" I rub my face from confusion and irritation when Zayn start talking while pacing.

"Some guy called us. Louis?" He turns to Liam for approval which Liam nods as yes.

"He told us you were here and needed us. When we came and talked to the staff, we found you on the bed passed out. We woke you up and you know the rest." Zayn looks genuinely confused as much as me and is also concerned. Fucking Louis. He probably called Zayn, Liam and Niall here because he knew Harry was missing and needs him back for the next mission. By calling the boys here, he can save himself from the dirty work. Well played Louis. Well played.

"Did you guys checked police stations for arrests? Did he got caught? I had him go the short way to the hotel. He should have been here an hour earlier then me." I want to pace too but I am too exhausted to do so.

"I did. Niall, got his guys checking every arrest since the last twelve hours and all the ones happening now. If he gets arrested we will know." Liam talks again, continuing to look out the window. I know he is hoping Harry will walk in.

"Guys. We need to find him. He is not like us. He doesn't know how to get around in the streets." I almost plea with so much desperation in my voice. I don't want to go there with my thoughts but what if he fell somewhere or got shot. Or even died. I tell someone I love them and they get lost half an hour later. Classic one universe, you got me.

"I have my guys out already. Sky. Calm the fuck down." Zayn leans down again and cups my cheeks in order to make me calmer. I take a deep breathe and close my eyes to get back to myself. Zayn kisses both of my cheeks then lets me go. I open my eyes when he does so and take another deep breathe.

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