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"Stop staring at my girlfriend!" Harry yells at Emily as he closes the door behind him and I start giggling.

We got out the bed around noon and had breakfast/lunch with Kim and Chloe which was filled with Kardashian jokes about their names.

They had the most terrible hangover ever so Harry and I tried to make Emily calm and not scream or cry as an apology for our previous behavior.

Emily stopped making any sounds when I held her so we watched an hour of television while waiting for Kim and Chloe to get better, Em on my lap and Harry's arms around me, still babbling and calling Emily, North.

Now, as we leave, he called me his girlfriend and I can't help my smile. I don't want to think about the future and just focus on my present with him.

There is pros and cons to this relationship.

Cons: I am not good for him. He will realize that eventually. I probably won't give him the things he wants. I would probably never recover when he leaves me.

Pros:I love him. I tried being without him and it was absolute hell. He is good for me. I love everything he does and even being in the same room with him, gives me hope, makes the sun shine even brighter and the grass on the ground gets greener. Cheesy I know but he turns me into this normal girl that day dreams and gets nervous about her boyfriends parents. The sex is beyond words and did I mention I love him with every ounce of my soul? He is the first person I really opened up to and thats very special. I can be me around him and forget all the horrible things I did.

The Cons are short but they are big things. I don't want to think about it because it only leaves me desperate.

"Whats wrong?" Harry asks as we intervene our fingers and start walking out the building. He legit reads my mind sometimes. No surprise his middle name is Edward.

"Nothing." I smile. Focus on now, not six months ahead. When he will leave you. My subconscious chimes in. She has been quiet for the last few hours, gotta ruin that of course.

Harry doesn't push on it anymore and I see an ATM in the corner of my eye when we get out on the street. Before he can hail a cab, I grab his hand pull him to the machine.

"Babe?" He asks concerned.

"ATM? I want to get this over with." I tell him and he huffs but follows, as if he doesn't want the money. Whats wrong with him? I am a thief and thats a lot of fucking money. I will never steal any of his but still.

"What are you upset about? I am about to give you 5 million dollars." I say as we reach the machine.

"I don't want it. Well not all of it. Besides, my share is only 4 mil and I want only 2. Keep the rest. You cared for me and I want to pay you back and wanna help Jack's. I wanna help those kids there." His words make my chest ache. He is so good and so beautiful.

"2 mil is a lot for a crappy bed and a physco girlfriend." I tease him and he laughs. He sends me this look after, like he just wants to do it without getting emotional.

"Harry..." I don't know what to do. I want to give him the 5 million but I wanna help those kids out too.

"Don't over think it. And do the fucking transfer before I change my mind!" He says playfully and I let out a breathe as I enter my pin and push my card in.

"I am officially a millionaire." Harry says when I finish the transfer of the 2 million dollars. I am so grateful. Not because he gave it to me but because I can even help more kids, not only the ones in Jack's.

What am I doing? What happened to me? Sky two months ago would have kept all of it. Am I this goody good person that donates all of their money? Do I want to be that person?

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