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Gonna do a double update bc I feel like it.

Harry's POV

A cold shiver goes down my spine when I hear that. I am almost unable to move as she whistles and a cab pulls over. She is acting like a New Yorker already. I find that cute.

We sit inside the cab and she tells the driver the destination when I am still in shock.

"Louis made me realize that. We totally forgot all the money he paid us for when we worked for him. 4 mil is yours, thats what he told me but we can split it in half you know?" She says and I know its not the Sky I met on the alleyway at 1 in the morning on a June night.

She was never greedy but still. The way that she handled my family, didn't gave me a lecture and how she is acting in general... I know even though we had 4 days apart. She grew into this more mature and recovered Sky. Maybe she was blossoming already but I had to take some time off and look at her from away to realize that.

She was always mature for a 17 year old and I know its because of what she went through but she is now, different in a good way.

I feel as if nothing matters. My parents coming to the colonies, my injuries, everything seems fixable. I wonder how happy she was when she found out. Maybe thats the reason she is more easy going. Not having money makes the person very stressed and I know it hanged heavy on her.

I realize I haven't talked for a very long time so I decide I should.

"You don't have to do that." I tell her and I know she probably won't accept it. I don't need it though. She has Rose with her, she needs that. I don't want her to work to support her sister anyways.

She takes out a new iPhone from her pocket and I realize why. She has received a text from the devil itself, Louis. I hate them being this close. But at the end of the day, he brought her here but what was that about taking a shower at his place?! What if they had sex... If Louis even touched her, he can start praying because I am gonna kill him when I get to the hotel.

"New phone?" I try to change the topic. I don't want to interrogate her about it, not now at least. I am trying to stay calm and the fact that I have that much money helps significantly. How did I even forget that? Liam's death and Sky's depression must have made me look past that. Am I millionaire now? How is that even possible?

"Yeah, me and Louis bought it today. The old one, well it was too old." She replies and smiles. Louis pops up again and I need to stop clenching my fists because they hurt like hell so I have to talk to her about it.

"Whats up with that anyway? You were wearing his clothes earlier today?!" I forgot that. "And you took a shower at his place?" The puzzle fits together "Tell me you didn't fuck him! Tell me this moment!" I realize how loud I am yelling when the cab driver turns around lightly and sends me a glare.

"What? No. Of course not! Why would you even think that!" She snaps at me and I believe her. Her eyes indicate she is hurt from my words but who is she to be hurt. She was the one running away from me because she thought I cheated on Alli.

"Don't yell at me. You are the one loosing weight from jumping to conclusions. You were the one who ran away from me because you thought I cheated on Alli without saying a word to me." I scowl at her and turn the other way. She hurt me enough, I want her to be feel as bad as I did.

The cab ride is over shortly and I notice it was not short at all. The clock reads 9:12 PM when we get out. I see her handing her debit card to the driver. Oh yeah, we have money now.

We get out and I am in front of the famous Plaza Hotel. She guides me inside and after she even says Louis we are guided into the elevator and to a gigantic room.

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